Why couples refuse marital counseling?

Why couples refuse marital counseling?
In marital relationships, we rarely find partners who are aware of their need to attend marital counseling sessions
by a specialist at some point.
However, for many couples, work, children, financial issues, communication changes, and life in general have taken their toll on you over the years, and it may even break up the connection they had at the beginning of their relationship.
If it does come to this, marital counseling may be helpful in such cases to put things back on track and strengthen the relationship again.
But what happens when one of the partners (especially the husband) does not go to marital counseling?
In such situations, we find that one of the partners aspires to seek help and advice from a specialist, while the other wants to ignore the matter, believing that everything will be fine in the end, or that the consultant’s visit may reduce him, and this is of course not true at all, and we always find Women are the ones who come to counseling and ask what they should do because their husbands refuse to go to marriage counseling.
Many people ask this question. Something is wrong with their marriage, something is not making them feel good. Maybe it’s a problem communicating, maybe it’s feeling detached, or maybe they argue a lot. Or they may have tried to change things but were unsuccessful.
In that case the party who wants to help begins to wonder if they should go to
Treat individually in the belief that he can work on his relationship problems there. Or he may feel like he’s working on it himself just now.
Why is mutual counseling necessary?
Some research has shown that individual counseling does not achieve effective results with treatment that may help the couple
in solving their problems.
But what scientific studies have proven about treating couples’ problems has found a lot of evidence that couples therapy together is useful in solving spouses’ problems, and there is no evidence that individual therapy is 100% useful in solving spouses’ problems.
Not everyone knows this. Individual therapy may help, but it probably won’t benefit your relationship.
So in short, when you consider the greater proportion of individual cases, there are no clear statistical findings to help. This does not mean that no one gets help, there are some relationships that have improved, some have not changed, and some have become worse
Is there any harm from individual treatment?
There are some major problems that may occur as a result of individual treatment for one of the spouses. The party who wants to help may feel more alone and that it is all up to him alone. Or a sense of responsibility to make all the changes and that it has no effect on his partner. And the constant feeling that he is responsible for the decision-making process.
How do you convince your reluctant partner to visit a marital relations consultant?
● Ask your partner why he or she disagrees with the idea of ​​treatment.
● Talk to him about his beliefs, as there are some people who believe that treatment leads to divorce or
It will aggravate it.
● Talk to him about the therapist you would like to visit and choose him together
● Browse therapists’ social media until you feel settled around
your opinion.
marital counseling
In the end
There is a big difference between rejecting the idea of ​​treatment and refusing to work on fixing marriage problems. But if he refuses
One spouse making any changes, or talking about things in your relationship, is a problem.
Refusal to make any changes at all and ignoring basic needs by one party to the relationship is a form of emotional abuse.
However, one of you can be feeling frustrated with your married life or depressed, so whether refusing to work on marriage is controlling, manipulative or the result of desperation, you can benefit from going to marital therapy of course.
You can contact Dr. Mona Ali Reda to request advice and consultations, as we will always be there to provide you with the support you need.
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