While masochism exists, sadism exists..Learn about sadistic personality disorder

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The behaviors and personalities of humans are varied, and there are some of that are common, and some of that are surprising to many people, but a personality disorder occurs when these traits increase to an exaggerated degree and uncontrollable.
What is sadistic personality disorder
It is a person’s feeling of pleasure, and excitement by inflicting pain and torture on others, whether verbally, sexually, or psychologically.
he/she is an authoritarian person and does not care if the person has made a mistake or not. He seeks in various ways to humiliate them, and does not feel guilty when he does such actions.

What are the symptoms of sadistic personality disorder
1) he uses violence in all his relationships and exercises control over them.
2) humiliates all people, especially those under his control.
3) fond of violent sports and watching bloody physical injuries.
4) restricts the independence of those close to him.

What causes sadistic personality disorder

There are several factors, the importance of them are:
1) genetic factors:  if one of the parents is sadistic.
2) watching a child from a young age violent movies or cartoon characters that appear in the form of a bloodsucker and a leader of a gang.
3) exposure to sexual assault, whether harassment or rape.
4) very harsh upbringing of the family, such as exposure to violence from parents, beatings or humiliation.

There are several types of sadistic personality including:
1) explosive sadism: you can’t expect his reaction, he can’t control his behavior, unexpectedly violent.
2) criminal sadism: he is the most dangerous type of sadism, he uses a systematic way to torture others, delights in forcing his victims to submit, and uses his weak victims in order to exercise his power over them.
3) sadistic weakling: he is a cowardly character, he does not initiate an attack, but he is in constant anticipation of his victims, he is a weak character who is afraid of many things, but he appears to his enemy with confidence, and he is not afraid of anything.
4) sadistic Dominator: it is usually found in administrative jobs such as officers, military, and prison supervisors, where they practice torture and violence within their laws and regulations.

The sadistic character in intimacy
The sadistic character is clearly manifested in sexual relations, which is that the sadistic person gets pleasure and excitement by inflicting physical or psychological harm on the partner, he enjoys humiliating and taunting the other party during the relationship, whether with words, or physically, and sometimes it comes to restraining or even whipping .

Treatment of sadistic personality disorder
Undoubtedly, the treatment of sadistic personality disorder needs a psychiatrist.
The most important methods of treatment are:
1) psychotherapy: here the Attending Physician identifies the underlying causes of this disorder, and the patient’s psychological history, in order to identify the condition and analyze it fully.
2) pharmacotherapy: we resort to this type of treatment, especially if another accompanying disorder appears, relied on in the treatment of sadism to reduce the secretion of male hormone.
3) developing the concept of Will in the sadist: through self-control exercise, explaining the possibilities of the danger of practicing sadism in the sexual aspect, and trying to reduce them even if the feeling of pleasure and excitement decreases at first.

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