The wife’s work with the husband in one place may result in some marital problems that may lead to separation if these problems are not addressed well. It can cause many problems and cause boredom in the marital relationship if they do not adhere to certain things and respect each other.
Among the things that spouses must consider in order to avoid problems that may occur:
1. Separation work from personal life
When the spouses are in one place of work, they must separate their professional lives and their personal lives, so that the home does not affect the work with its problems, disputes, matters related to children, work, and its conditions. Family private problems become available to all people. It is important that no place, whether at work or home, is affected by the problems of the other place, and they should note that they are ultimately a couple, not co-workers.
2. Mutual respect among themselves
One of the spouses believes that there is no problem in dealing with the other in a harsh way during work because he is a close person and he will understand that, but it must be emphasized that he cares about the way he talks to the other. The other party is in the workplace more than anyone else, not interrupting his speech, paying attention to what he says and giving it the greatest importance, and praising him for a job well done; the point here is the friendliness and respect, because if work life is correct, personal life is automatically corrected.
3. Personal space
The presence of the couple in one work may seem wonderful at first, as they are with each other for a longer time and get closer to each other more, but boredom may end up in the marital relationship, which leads to marital problems and a routine life, as each of them knows everything about the other’s work.
Therefore, each party must have a hobby or free time that he spends alone or in the company of non-mutual friends, as this will contribute to finding different topics to talk about and breaking the intensity of routine life, and each of them has his own personal space.
4. No professional jealousy and constant encouragement
One of the biggest problems that may result from the presence of the spouses together in work is that one of the parties feels jealous of the success of the other party, instead of supporting and encouraging him for this success. The promotion should not increase in manifestations of celebration, and the other should feel happy for his partner, realizing that the success of one is certainly a success for both.
5. Trust and non- jealousy
The presence of the spouses together in one workplace may lead to some problems such as the jealousy of one of the parties over the other, so the wife’s dealings with male employees or the husband’s dealings with female employees may arouse jealousy in the absence of mutual trust.
It is necessary to agree on such matters before starting work in one place in order to avoid marital problems and preserve professional and marital life as well.
The importance of marital consultations in this case:
If the spouses cannot deal with this matter in a healthy way, and the problems increase and affect one of the two places, whether it is the home or the workplace, and even reach a negative impact on the children, then you need help through a psychiatrist to receive marital counseling to learn how to discuss with the other party. The most common problem between the two partners is the discussion without reaching any solution because of the aggressiveness in dealing between them during the conversation. Marriage counseling teaches you with the other partner to convince each other of the point of view in a smooth and elegant way.
Therefore, you can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a consultant psychiatrist and marital relations, to receive help for a healthy marital life.