What Does a Nervous Guy Like in a Woman?

What Does a Nervous Guy Like in a Woman

In general, people are exposed to constantly mood swings and psychological conditions, perhaps the most prominent of these mood swings is nervousness, which increase sharply in men and may significantly affect marital relations and are dominated by tension and continuous disagreements.

In this article you will learn about the most important tips on what a nervous man loves in a woman, and the ways you should take to deal with your nervous partner to prevails your relationship with love and familiarity.

How does a woman earn a man’s nervous heart?

The qualities that a nervous man likes in a woman vary from person to another but one of the most important is:

  1. A nervous man loves a positive woman who don’t pay attention to his mistakes and be with him in this period to maintain their relationship.
  2. A nervous man loves a woman who values everything he does even though it seems like a chore.
  3. he likes a woman who show him her love because it helps him to relieve stress and nervousness.
  4. A woman who adheres to him despite the differences that occur between them and is keen to praise him in front of others.
  5. A woman who supports her husband in difficult times which makes him feels calm and psychological stability.

Nervous Guy Characteristics:

The nervous guy has several characteristics, including:

  1. Anxiety and constant stress even in small things.
  2. Excessive sensitivity to small changes in the surrounding environment such as changes in work.
  3. Difficulty controlling emotions and feelings effectively.
  4. Difficulty in establishing a healthy and strong relationship with others.

Causes of excess nervousness in men:

The causes of excessive nervousness in men vary depending on the character and life of each man individually, among which are:

  1. It is due to the character of the moody man in the simplest circumstances.
  2. The nature of his hard work that makes him stressful and nervous.
  3. His feelings of lack of appreciation and respect by his wife or children.
  4. Smoking may be one of the most important causes of excessive nervousness for a man.
  5. Social and cultural pressures and norms that make him nervous when trying to meet those expectations and standards.
  6. Some hormones and chemical changes in the brain can play a role in nervousness occurrence and stress.
  7. Some psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression have caused the man feeling persistent nervousness.

If you suffer from stress, some psychiatric disorders or illnesses communicate without hesitation with the psychiatrist to live a stable and calm life.

How to deal with a nervous Guy?

There are several ways a woman must deal with a nervous man to create a happy married life between the two partners:

  1. Good communication: by listening to the husband during his nervous times, using the principle of ignoring disputes and problems, paying attention to what he says and calming him at times of his anger and reaching a compromise that satisfies both parties.
  2. Sympathy: accept the husband’s negative feelings, and cooperate with him in creating a comfortable positive energy to reconnect properly after the end of these nervousness.
  3. Not trying to change the husband: the wife must appreciate her husband, and show her love and respect him on an ongoing basis. It is not right to pressure the husband to change his personality and accept him as he is without change until he feels his wife’s confidence in him, as this relieves the tension and nervousness that he can feel.
  4. Relax and rest together: By engaging in a sexual relationship or exercise that helps meditation and relaxation.
  5. Not focusing on problems and providing practical solutions: trying to find out the causes of this nervousness to reach an appropriate solution that relieves his stress and nervousness.
  6. Communicating with a marital relations consultant: this helps to maintain a healthy and positive relationship between the two partners.

If you have a nervousness problem with your partner, you can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist and marriage consultant to enjoy a quiet and stable married life.

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