If you are in a romantic relationship, you naturally want it to be a healthy relationship, but did you ask
Yourself by what is a healthy relationship and its success criteria?
Emotional Relationship Well, it depends.
In fact, healthy relationships do not look the same for everyone and there are no constants because people have different needs, and those special needs change around from person to person such as love, communication, sex, affection, space, some shared principles and values etc.
romantic relationship
So, in short, a healthy relationship is a broad term that includes people’s different needs and satisfaction factors that make the relationship thrive and last.
But there are some key signs that can be taken into consideration that are evident in healthy relationships, such as:
Communication between the two parties of the emotional relationship
Both parties should feel comfortable talking about any issues that come up, from things that happen in daily life, like the stress of work or friends, to more serious issues, like health, financial or of course emotional issues.
Even if there is a difference of opinion and points of view, at least they listen without judgment and try to reach a common point that will satisfy both.
Trust involves honesty and integrity and is one of the most important pillars of the success, health and continuity of the relationship. The two partners should not withhold secrets from each other.
The goal is for both partners to feel safe and comfortable with each other, not to hurt each other physically or emotionally, and to have enough mutual respect to encourage the relationship to succeed and continue.
conflict resolution
Conflicts occur even in healthy and unhealthy relationships, and this will lead to feelings of frustration or anger between the two parties from time to time. This is completely normal and has nothing to do with the fact that the relationship is unhealthy.
But what matters is how to handle conflict and talk about disagreements honestly and respectfully, that is the right path that enables partners who deal with conflict without judgment or compromise.
❖ On the other hand, there are some signs that you should be careful of
Red flags in a relationship
Your relationship should contribute to feelings of contentment, happiness, and connection. If you tend to feel more anxious, depressed, or resentful about having a life partner, the relationship can be difficult.
So if you see red flags, alert your partner of their presence and share your opinions about working to solve and get rid of them.
Respect the boundaries between the two partners
Boundaries play a role in a relationship, beginning with communicating in ways that include mutual respect and privacy needs, so if either of you is concerned about it, from the start the boundaries and agreement should be set.
Among you, and if there is a determination to change it, this is a dangerous red flag.
You can ignore this by reframing the boundaries, hoping that the partner will eventually accept them.
If the relationship appears to be unequal
Most of the time, healthy relationships tend to be more or less balanced or a balance between
Ways and systems of living
Equality in relationships can also relate to intangible things, such as affection, communication, and relationship expectations.
But if you regularly feel that your relationship is out of balance in any way, this can become a problem.
You don’t feel comfortable in the relationship
Feeling uncomfortable in the relationship and not being interested in the problems or sharing something that threatens the security of the relationship
Or having difficulty sharing an opinion or speaking because of anxiety and fear of being ignored and not
Understanding Misunderstanding and communication can occur.
Understanding is an agreement between two people, given through words or actions, that they are clearly willing and enthusiastic to engage in the activities of life. Consent includes effective communication, and the knowledge that one person always has the right to withdraw consent.
So, both of you should make every effort to make sure that he lives a healthy emotional relationship and so that both of you do not become a burden on the other’s partner.