What Are The 5 Stages Of Burnout?

What Are The 5 Stages Of Burnout?


91% of the workers report being unable to cope with stress,  with 77% stating that they’ve burned out at least once during their career, according to the latest research by Deloitte. 


The term “Burnout” has been used lately all around, but what does “Burnout” actually mean? 

In this blog we will talk about the term “Burnout”, what are the symptoms, and what are the main causes of it, and we will give some tips and tricks to avoid having Burnout. 


In the meantime, if you are looking for Mental Health Consulting. You can always contact Dr.Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt. You can also visit the official website for Dr.Mona Reda 


What is Burnout? 


Burnout is usually a term that is used when you feel stressed from work too much. It is not a mental health disorder, however, suffering from it for a long time can cause a mental disorder. 


What Are The Causes Of Burnout? 

Burnout is caused by a multitude of factors, including: 


-Workplace bullying 


-Financial stressors 


–Perfectionist tendencies 


What Are The 5 Stages Of BurnOut? 


According to the latest research from Winona State University, burnout doesn’t happen overnight, it has 5 main stages, and these stages are:  The honeymoon stage, the balancing act, chronic symptoms, the crisis stage, and enmeshment.


Early intervention is key when dealing with each level- though later stages may be more tricky to overcome


Stage #1 The Honeymoon Stage

This is the early stage of your work, when you have all the motivation and the energy in the world to get the job done. 


Even though the job may be demanding, at this point, you have a lot of energy and ambition which can help push you through.


To keep this stage longer and longer, the key here is to start instituting healthy coping strategies. 


Stage #2 The Balancing Act  


This is the stage when your energy starts to fade out a little bit, as you begin to notice some unpleasant things about the job that you used to love. 


Signs For The Balancing Art Are: 


-Job dissatisfaction


-Work Inefficiency 




-Fatigue (both mental and physical) 


-Sleep disturbances


Stage #3  Chronic Symptoms 


In this stage you may feel like it is the previous stage, the balancing act, however, you may find your symptoms have intensified. 


You may find yourself in a state of denial. Instead of acknowledging that you are overworked. You may also suffer from depression and physical and mental illness. 


Stage #4 The Crisis Stage

At this stage the person who is suffering from a burn out might hit a breakpoint, as They emotionally cannot deal with the stress and start to break down.


Stage #5  Enmeshment 


At this point, burnout symptoms are so embedded in a person’s life that they may not even fully realize it.


Avoiding Burnout 

Being able to spot the signs of burnout in yourself and others before it progresses is essential, and might be helpful as it will help you to avoid progress in the burnout stages. 


Though you cannot control the stressors in your life, you can control how you deal with them.


If you are personally suffering from burn out you can always reach for help from professionals. 

You can always contact Dr.Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt. You can also visit the official website for Dr.Mona Reda.


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