Vitamin D Deficiency in Men and Erectile Dysfunction

Vitamin D Deficiency in Men and Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is one of the problems that many men face and leads to feel of stress and anxiety due to the inability to engage in a proper sexual relationship, and the fact that erectile dysfunction has many causes

Among them is vitamin D deficiency, where some studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency in the body affects up to 35% of erectile strength in men.

In this article we will learn about the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in men and women, and how it affects Erectile dysfunction?

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms in men:

  1. Erectile dysfunction.
  2. Low libido.
  3. Sexual health disorder.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Contraction of blood vessels.

Vitamin d deficiency symptoms in women:

  1. Feeling tired and exhausted.
  2. Low libido.
  3. Mood disorders.
  4. Muscular convulsions and joint pain.

Vitamin D deficiency Psychological symptoms

Vitamin D is a hormone that plays an important role in the development and balance of the brain and the functions of the nervous system, due to its impact on the production processes of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, and its lack of body can lead to many negative effects on an individual’s mental health such as:

  1. Depression: A study has found a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and an individual’s mood disorder.
  2. Concern: There is a study of a group of people with vitamin D deficiency who have tested positive for anxiety disorders.
  3. Changes in mood are accompanied by feelings of despair and sadness.
  4. Loss of interest in the activities that an individual would normally like to engage in.
  5. Insomnia.
  6. Psychiatric disorders that cause a number of mental dysfunctions

Vitamins of erection

The human body needs to obtain a sufficient amount of nutrients daily so that its cells and devices can perform their usual functions to the fullest, but when it comes to erection and sexual health these vitamins must be referred to 

among the most important:

  1. Vitamin D: It is one of the most associated vitamins with erection, reducing inflammation, improving blood flow and stimulating the production of nitric oxide, factors that may have an impact on the man’s erection process.
  2. Vitamin E: It is responsible for improving men’s sexual health, increasing their libido
  3. Vitamin B: One scientific study found that some men with erectile problems were suffering from vitamin B deficiency, so there may be a link between vitamin deficiency and erectile dysfunction.

If you are  suffering from vitamin D deficiency and this affects your partner’s sexual relationship, feel free to communicate with Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist and sexual therapist to ensure a healthy relationship with your partner.

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