Vacations and marital relationship

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Vacations and marital relationship ?
Of course, each of us needs vacations, whether from the preoccupations or the work he is responsible for in his life in order to get rest and be able to regain activity and renew vigor, and because renewal is necessary in life in all its practical aspects, it is also very necessary with regard to marital life, and we will talk about vacations and marital relationship.
Because in light of the pressures of life and the responsibilities that the spouses bear, which is considered a reason for the increase in family problems, the high rate of disagreement and divorce cases, and of course the marital apathy, which is the separation of the spouses from each other, which builds a barrier within the relationship, and the matter returns as it was before and the relationship revives to illuminate their lives and renew it may help vacations Marriage is to achieve this, as long relationships need attention, care and love until they become more powerful. Therefore, many have agreed that the marital relationship needs to be taken care of by the spouses, for what they face during that trip, and until that happens, they need a vacation and this is also proven by psychological studies.
Vacation is an opportunity to renew the feelings of longing between spouses and to stay away from what disturbs their lives and benefits, really in renewing longings and getting rid of the boredom and monotony of life.
There is no harm in this leave, and both parties must accept the idea with love and satisfaction because of the benefits of the matter on their married life, and there is a need to follow a number of advice regarding the matter so as not to cause boredom between the spouses, by making the marriage between them a healthy marriage and boredom does not find a place between them.
In order for this to happen, there must be common goals between the two parties, time for recreation and common hobbies, and that each party is keen to accept the partner’s flaws and enjoy and invest its advantages, follow the policies of discussion and accept the other opinion, think of a solution to problems and not leave them without solutions, and the most important thing is that Respect is the first slogan on which the relationship is based, especially at the time of disagreement before the agreement.
The purpose of the vacation is to give the two parties the opportunity to rediscover themselves again, and to give each party calm and help in re-arranging the accounts. Marriage after a long period grows into a kind of habit and routine that kills the positive feelings between the spouses, which increases the daily problems and disagreements, so the basic condition is that the matter is applied in a correct way and if this is done, it will achieve the desired goal and restore the relationship of nostalgia and longing again.
The goal of the idea is to support continuity because the armistice makes thinking better and makes problems or differences, if they were simple, as if the vacation recharges the energy again, and any idea that benefits the relationship and makes it take a step forward or maintain its stability has a wonderful effect.
This vacation includes calm, discussing mistakes and developing solutions, and if it does not include treatment, it is useless, and both spouses must have flexibility in dealing, preserve their privacy and follow the method of dialogue that contributes to resolving disputes and quarrels, as well as interest in supporting dialogue, choosing the appropriate time and place and living married life in a manner It is realistic and no one is allowed to interfere with each other so as not to
Increasing the severity of the problem of respect and appreciation for the ten and familiarity.
What are the best ways to enhance communication between spouses?
There is more than one way in which spouses can enhance communication in a greater proportion between them, such as getting closer between the spouses.
Communication is an expression of feelings, feelings and thoughts, and all of this enhances closeness to the partner.
If the communication between the spouses is not good, this is reflected in their interest in each other as well, and the partner begins to lose interest in the other and his feelings, but if there is mutual interest by both parties, it will be the relationship is better and there is a noticeable communication and understanding between the two parties, strengthening the bonds of trust, respect and honesty between spouses.
If one of the partners feels disturbed by the behavior of his partner, he must be honest with him and frankly with him about the matter, and communicate with him to find a solution to get rid of the problem. Communication in such matters helps build and strengthen trust in the relationship, and increases the parties’ respect for each other because of the frankness and initiative that will save the relationship.
❖ If you have made a lot of attempts to strengthen your relationship and it did not help, there is nothing wrong with consulting a psychiatrist or a specialist in marital relations because his role revolves around repairing your relationship and he is the neutral party that looks at the weaknesses that threaten the relationship and works to strengthen and get rid of them if necessary .
If you want to know more about psychotherapy and how to deal with it and treat it, you can click here
Meanwhile, if you are looking for mental health counseling or some marital counseling.
You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda on
02 24159997-01112169556-01002169556
Or visit the clinic at this address: 94 El Merghany Street, Cairo, Egypt.
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