Unuseful Behaviors

Tired Of UnUseful Behaviors? Here are 3 Strategies for Stopping Unhelpful Behaviors. 

If you are looking for long term well being, this blog is for you, you might think that Reward-based learning will help you survive, you may be right, but that was a winning strategy back in the days, however, in modern times the same brain mechanisms can trap us in unhealthy habits.

We all have two selves; “impulsive self” and a “wise self”, and recognizing both of them can help you foster self-compassion while making healthier choices. 

In the meantime,  if you need any mental consult please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

Why It’s So Hard to Stop Doing Something Bad for You

How many times have you hit “play next episode” while watching Netflix, even though you know that you are staying up too late and have to work the next day? 

How many times have you checked your social media on regular basis, even though you have other important things that you should attend? 

How many times have you eaten junk food, or a couple of more sweets even though that you are full? 

If you think about a couple of times that you tried the things that have been mentioned in the previous questions, then you are addicted to some bad habits, 

So, Why is it so hard for you to stop bad habits that are harming you? 

As we mentioned in the introduction of this blog, reward-based earning was a helpful evolutionary strategy for humankind, seeking what is pleasurable and avoiding what is painful made progress with humankind, it basically helped our ancestors to survive. So it is running into our biology.

However, according to the latest neuroscience researches, it is as if we have two competing selves controlled by different parts of our brain. We have the impulsive self that wants immediate gratification, which is controlled by the midbrain (responsible for our fight-or-flight response); and we have the “wise self” that wants what is best for our long-term well-being and can hold a wider perspective (controlled by the medial prefrontal cortex). that when we want to change a behavior (in this case stopping something that is unhelpful) it is as if we have two competing parts of our brain in conflict.

3 Strategies for Stopping Unhelpful Behaviors

1. Be aware

Observe yourself, and observe what is happening all around you, and pair that observation with curiosity about what is happening, and how it is happening. 

2. Create Stops

Once you identify what isn’t working for you, see where you might need to create a “stop” for those unhealthy behaviors. Be intentional and committed to this stop as it may seem a little uncomfortable for you at some point. 

3.  Work with your reward system.

Make sure that you won’t see that stop as it is taig something from you, see it as it is adding something for you. Stay focus and remind yourself now and then why you are doing this. 

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us if you are looking for a consultant,,  02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

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