Violence is basically a negative reaction to everyday situations, and whoever practices it, in general, lacks logic and psychological peace in thinking and needs help to a large extent. It is common that violence is defined as the application of physical force to a person to cause him harm, but violence includes many aspects besides physical violence.
What are the different types of violence and how can we deal with it?
Firstly, what are its different aspects?
Violence takes many forms, the most important of which are:
Physical violence
Verbal violence
Psychological violence
Domestic Violence
Financial violence
Physical violence
One of the most common types of violence among the different types of violence is a physical assault on a person and it is used frequently in bullying incidents, especially among children.
Physical violence also abounds between parents and their children, as they always believe that proper education requires violence in the children, as they were brought up in the past. negative and detrimental effect
Physical violence takes many forms such as
Hitting including (touching, pushing, spitting, strangling, hair pulling, or kicking)
Use of weapons, including (sharp/blunt tools)
Cause burns
Verbal violence
Physical violence includes the use of hurtful and insulting speech towards another person, whether by a serious or sarcastic method, but usually, the sarcastic method is used.
It includes many forms such as:
Insults and bad words
Use of derogatory nicknames
Constant nervousness and screaming
Persistent threat and communicating a sense of danger
Verbal violence can increase and exceed the limits that turn it into physical violence
Psychological violence
It is behavior intended to control another person psychologically through (blackmail, intimidation, repression, threat, use of manipulation, invasion of privacy, or false accusations)
Psychological violence is applied by:
Humiliating someone, whether in secret or in public.
Threatening to publish his photos or private details.
Attacking or ridiculing his character.
Underestimate his value or the value of his achievements.
The impact of psychological violence on individuals is negative to the extent that it exceeds the rest of the types of violence because of the excessive feeling of depression and self-contempt.
Domestic Violence
Most people think that family violence is limited to physical abuse that results in obvious injuries, but this is nothing but a single form of domestic violence, as contributes to the destruction of personality and self-confidence in the long term by adopting violent behaviors toward the individual is something that cannot be underestimated and that Other forms of domestic violence are as follows:
Distinguishing males from females by attaching all duties to a party other than the other
Controlling the behavior of children and controlling it negatively in excess of what is necessary
Controlling children through manipulation of economic resources
Constantly using profanity as a method of censure
Forced isolation of children from social interaction
Constant threat to children
Financial violence
Economic violence is widely practiced among members of the same family, and it is one of the most threatening types of violence to self-development and a sense of confidence in general and takes many forms such as:
Force people under the legal age to perform inappropriate work
Prohibition of those over the legal age from working
Persistent demand that any legitimate expenses be justified
Unjustified accusations of financial problems
Withholding financial information
Control of bank accounts.
Denying access to financial resources
Secondly, how can we deal with different forms of violence?
If you are exposed to any form of different violence, you must know that all types of violence are not legitimate in any way and their occurrence is unforgivable even if it is from close people for the purpose of raising and the occurrence of this is not your fault
You should start defending yourself by going to the right places that can help you
You can always turn to someone you trust and ask for help
If you are exposed to domestic violence, you can go to the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, where the right decisions are taken to ensure your protection as well as the protection of your rights
If you experience violence at school, you should ask your teacher, principal, or other responsible people for help and make sure they find a solution that works for you.
You can consult a psychologist in order to discover the appropriate solutions to get out of the negative psychological state and feel the relief resulting from revealing what hurts and disturbs you.