Toxic relationships…Signs of departure and methods of disposal

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Toxic relationships is a term given to abnormal relationships and harmful relationships that may occur between spouses, friends, or other relationships that occur between two parties, whether in the work environment or at home.

Relationships is toxic when practices unhealthy patterns in the relationship, for example, one party practices psychological manipulation on the other or when he spends most of his time at work and forgets another party in the marital relationship. Most relationships may start in a positive and ideal way, but soon turn into a toxic relationship that is the biggest threat to the safety of individuals psychologically, emotionally, and even physically.

What are toxic relationships?
Relationships are important things in our lives, and we all need to enter into relationships, to relate to others, to feel support and love, because positive and healthy relationships based on friendliness and love have great effects on humans at all levels, but all this may collapse with entering into toxic relationships with psychologically and emotionally harmful people, as the relationship is toxic when both parties lack communication and understanding marriage, but the most important thing is to try to manage that apathy in proper and healthy ways as ignoring these Things arise emotionally, psychologically, and physically threatening, in addition to the presence of violence, whether verbal or physical, and the accompanying anger, humiliation, contempt, and an attempt to diminish the status of the other party

Signs that you are in a toxic relationship:
There are signs, if any relationship between two parties that indicate that you are in a harmful and toxic relationship, the most important of these are:

1. Despising and belittling the other party and his efforts
2. Lack of clarity, which makes the other party confused, and constant questioning, which leads to entering into the silent relationship, and not justifying this transaction in various ways
3. Anger management in an unhealthy way; as it is normal for anger and quarrels to occur between the parties in the relationship, but there is a prolongation that results from anger, such as hitting, swearing, and saying hurtful phrases
4. Trying to make a lot of effort to make the other party happy is in vain and you are giving more than you take
5. The presence of a dependent party in the relationship; as it depends on the other party in all decisions, which is one of the hidden types of control, where he holds all the decisions and also scolds you if this decision does not like him
6. Lying and betrayal, they are two of the most important things that take away trust in the relationship between the parties
7. Competitiveness and jealousy of the other party’s success and instead of supporting him and taking his hand, he is repressed and communicates to him the feeling of failure in everything

Psychological effects that result from being in a toxic relationship:
Certainly being in a toxic relationship may produce some psychological and physical effects including:

2.Anxiety and stress
3.Lack of self-confidence
4.Constant feeling of inferiority and self-blame
6.Lack of social relations
7.Change in general lifestyle and lack of attention to external appearance

How to behave if you know that you are in a toxic relationship?
The first step to get rid of a toxic relationship is your awareness that you are in a harmful relationship and you need to straighten it out and one of the most important ways to help you in case you find out that you are in a toxic relationship is:

– Tell the other party how you feel: start a dialogue and discuss with him about what bothers you about him, perhaps he did not realize that these actions can annoy you
– Pay attention to yourself and do not let their hurtful words or constantly blaming you shake your self-confidence or negatively affect your mental health
– Consult a psychologist, or a consultant in marital relations, this will be an opportunity to clarify the size of the problem and the feelings inside you that have swelled more than normal, and marital counseling is here to help you put your thoughts in order well and gradually get rid of the illusion of pathological attachment to the wrong person.

So you can consult Dr. Mona Reda on all matters related to marital relations and psychological diseases.

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