Things You Don’t Know About Intimacy

Things You Don’t Know About Intimacy
When we hear about intimacy, sexual intercourse quickly comes into our mind, but the sexual practice is part of the intimacy of the couple, intimacy is a broader and more comprehensive concept than only sexual intercourse.
It is possible to have sex without intimacy as well as to have intimacy without sex.
Concept of intimacy
Many people believe that the concept of intimacy is synonymous with a sexual relationship But sex is a form of intimacy, and sexual intercourse with a partner can contribute to building intimacy But that doesn’t mean it’s the only indicator of intimacy, There are other indications of intimacy between the parties, such as familiarity and friendship between couples, through the desire to share private information with the partner, Always communicating emotionally with him leading to a sense of comfort and security and the desire for greater communication, attention and exchange of common ideas and feelings.
Types of intimacy in relationships between couples:
Intimacy differs in its various forms in the relationship between the two partners such as:
1. Emotional Intimacy
Which may be embracing the partner in general, understanding the time of his grief without judging his feelings, telling him personal things he doesn’t share with others, such as talking about your plans and dreams, what bothers you and what makes you happy, and showing love and familiarity to each other.

2. Intellectual Intimacy

Each party opens up about each other’s thoughts and speaks about them comfortably, about what they have in mind and what puzzles them.
intellectual intimacy is the harmony and rapprochement that occurs between the two partners in exchanging ideas and sharing them.

3. Physical Intimacy

doesn’t just stop at sex, it is possible to have physical intimacy by cuddling, touching hands and sleeping together in a form that doesn’t necessarily lead to sex, and more important than all of this is to tell the partner with the kind of intimacy she needs and know his needs.

4. Spiritual Intimacy

By sharing religious and moral values such as values of tolerance and mutual acceptance, values of dialogue, respect and appreciation, religious intimacy ensures that spouses share religious beliefs and practices.
Effects of sex without feeling intimate between partners:
There is no doubt that a sexual relationship that is completely devoid of feelings of love and intimacy can’t resemble a relationship full of emotions, even for a man who can have sex with any woman he wants even if he has no emotional or formal relationship with her; For him, it serves as a way to get rid of sexual feelings that control his thoughts and body away from love feelings In contrast to a woman who can’t enjoy a sexual relationship without love, The negative effects when having sex without feeling intimate are manifested by the way the partners interact in the relationship, being just random, bored movements. and may causes pain to women and there is no interest in what the other side is feeling or what makes him happy or disturbing and the main concern is to unload sexual appetite only, unlike the intimate and loving sexual relationship in which the partner seeks to make the other party happy, and he thinks about her needs and what might increase her euphoria before even thinking about his personal needs.
You can contact Dr. Mona Reda, Consultant in Mental Health and Marital Relations.
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