The most common sexual problems in the marital relationship

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The most common sexual problems in the marital relationship

Sex is the most important pillar of marital life for both partners, and in the event of a problem concerning the matter, it is necessary that it be resolved before it is the cause of destroying the entire marriage.
Yes, this is true. Problems in the bedroom can destroy a marriage if not addressed in the right time and manner. Sexual difficulties are an early sign of marital problems.
The cause of these problems may be different from one person to another and may be psychological or organic, such as physical problems such as circulatory difficulties or diabetes, neurological damage, hormone deficiency, surgery and chronic diseases.
Psychologically, some feelings such as fear, anger, depression, anxiety, or those who have gone through some previous sexual traumas that were the cause of sexual problems at the present time.
In all cases and for different reasons, the matter ultimately needs treatment, whether it is the treatment of organic diseases or through psychological counseling
Now we will show you some of the most famous sexual problems that the couple face in their relationship
● A sexless marriage.
There are some relationships that are ruined by problems until the relationship freezes into a marriage without sex and as a result this aspect of the relationship becomes dark and bleak.
Some studies have confirmed that about 15% of married couples have a sexless marriage, and most decide to stay in such a relationship because of their children.
Sexless marriage is considered a serious problem if one of the spouses is not satisfied with this situation, and in these cases it is clear that the fate of the relationship will be separation and divorce unless the spouses seek help from a professional.
● Pornography addiction.
Watching pornography is a problem where pornography has become a substitute for joint sexual activity between spouses and there are some people for whom it has become an addiction that is difficult to give up, which causes emotional separation between spouses and of course something like this needs to be fixed by a solution such as discussing the problem Openly or seek advice from a sex therapist if necessary.
● Preoccupation with sex.
Sometimes work and children stand in the way of a satisfying sex life for the couple, and without the spouses realizing their priorities become distorted and their relationship may turn into problems.
If the couple is very tired at the end of the day and does not have enough energy to have sex, this is a serious problem and the solution must be found to balance work, family and sexual priorities and plan regular dates when the couple takes time to rest, and they should enjoy time together by spending time together.
And if you find that problem between you, both parties must discuss it together to reach a satisfactory solution about the amount of satisfactory sex for the other party.
Inconsistency in the sexual motives of the two partners.
This is the most common problem with physical intimacy, because one person usually wants sex more than another who is either happy with the amount of sex they are having or wants less.
In such a situation, the person with a lower sex drive needs to know if there is anything they can do to increase this desire, and the person with a higher sex drive should try to balance it out in order to be patient with their partner and manage their excessive expectations about sex.
Painful intercourse.
Painful intercourse or dyspareunia may be due to various reasons such as the pelvic muscles being too tight, the vagina not being sufficiently stimulated and lubricated, the hymen may remain partially intact in the case of a newly married couple, or other causes such as inflammation or infection involving the vagina.
Here we want to give you an important tip. Try intercourse after enough mutually exciting and satisfying foreplay, which can reduce this discomfort or pain.
But if this pain lasts longer than necessary, the cause must be found and treated because if the couple continues to try to have intercourse with him, things may get worse.
And the physical problem can become a psychological problem, you have to know that pain is like a warning, which alerts to the investigation of the cause of the problem. The solution here is to consult a gynecologist to find out the medical cause and treat it, and then consult a sexual therapist who will help you direct the relationship in the right direction for the practice of comfortable intercourse for both of you.
You can consult Dr. Mona Ali Reda if you are facing this kind of problem..Contact us

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