Sexual pleasure for women & Online Consulting

المتعة الجنسية عند النساء

Sexual pleasure in women & Online Consulting

There are a lot of women who suffer because of their inability to enjoy the relationship
Sexuality, and this is a reason for their fear and anxiety and many problems between the parties to the relationship.
This is because the main goal of it is to strengthen the relationship between the spouses and the feeling of pleasure for both of them
Doing it is not like one of the duties imposed, sexual relationship is a natural human instinct.
We have breakfast on them all and enjoyment is one of the factors for the success and continuity of the relationship.
What research of online counseling has proven is that a large group of women find it difficult to feel the desired pleasure
Due to different circumstances and if this lasts for a long time, the lady may feel aversion to the partner and
There is a fluctuation of the marital relationship


What is sexual pleasure?


Sexual pleasure is a feeling that begins with a feeling of sexual desire and is described as happiness and pleasure that it feels
It is a person during sexual intercourse, it is represented in males with amen ejaculation and in women it appears in the form of
Uterine contractions and pulsating feeling in the pelvic area is considered the peak stage of sexual arousal.
Interpretation of women not feeling sexual pleasure
Statistics have shown that a large percentage of women exceeding 70% suffer from difficulty feeling
With sexual pleasure unlike men, women feel different feelings of orgasms but
Don’t get to maximum fun


❖ But have you ever wondered why you can’t get sexual pleasure


And you stand as an obstacle to your enjoyment in the relationship with your husband?
Reasons why women don’t feel sexual pleasure
There are plenty of reasons why women can’t access and affect sexual pleasure:
– The reason may be because she suffers from vaginal tightness or short cervical, which causes severe pain


When the relationship happens


– Hormonal changes experienced by the woman, which affects her sense of reproductive areas
– Take some types of medications, hypertension medications, or antidepressants.
– Constant suffering from psychological stressors that cause a feeling of tension and anxiety and affect
Have fun for the lady
– The woman undergoes a previous surgical procedure, especially if it is a gynecological or traffic surgery.
With a natural birth experience
– The woman has an organic disease.
Psychological reasons:
Psychological factors are one of the biggest influences on sexual pleasure in women. Stress is one of the reasons.
Which reduces the sense of sexual pleasure as well as anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.
On other words, there are some women who look negatively at their bodies like thinking about
Breast size and shape or different skin tone in sensitive areas, these thoughts control
The lady takes her mind and prevents her from the primary goal of the relationship which is pleasure.


❖ The woman’s lack of pleasure falls under the name of sexual coldness and is divided into two types


1. Not reaching the first euphoria: means not reaching orgasm and having fun at all.
2. Not reaching secondary orgasm: a woman’s sense of orgasm in advance and then loss and difficulty
Reach her again
Are there symptoms of losing pleasure or sexual cold?
It varies from woman to woman depending on the reason that affects her sexuality
The most common symptom is sexual desire disorder and means the presence of desire in the woman
But it’s hard to excite.
Difficulty reaching orgasm, which means the beginning of intimacy with the husband in its early stages.
But it’s hard to get to the rabble which is the pinnacle of excitement.


How can we handle it?


The first step to treating any problem is diagnosis. Talking about something you are suffering from is not considered taboo.
You should
This is to get rid of what causes your marital relationship, whether with the husband or with the consultation of a specialized therapist who will in turn help you find the gap causing the imbalance.
The next stage is physical therapy. That step reveals the main cause of the problem.
The woman lost sexual pleasure, although the reason is due to organic problems, the intervention is carried out through a specialized doctor and a treatment plan is developed that helps in healing.
The last aspect is psychotherapy
It is based on the participation of the couple through the visit of the psychotherapist and in fact of his experiences he will identify the wrong behaviors and the real reason behind them and then work to provide the best solutions that contribute to the elimination and overcome psychological problems that hinder obtaining a sexual relationship.
If you want to know more Psychotherapy diseases and how to handle & cure it you can Click here


In the meantime, if you are looking for Mental Health Consulting. You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda
please contact us on:
02 24159997

Or visit the clinic at this address:  94 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt.

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