Sexual Performance Anxiety

Sex is one of life’s blessings, and it is supposed to be enjoyable, but if you are constantly thinking about how “well” you’re doing you will not enjoy it.

Sexual Performance Anxiety might be an obstacle in your way, in this article, we will talk about the causes of sexual performance anxiety and how you can overcome it.

The Reasons For Sexual Performance Anxiety

If your mind is too stressed, you will not be focused during this process, sex is supposed to be more than just a physical response, your emotions have something to do with it too.

There are some factors that play a part in sexual performance anxiety, and a lot of worries can lead to this problem, in the following list some of them:

  • Fear of not be able to satisfy your partner
  • Insecure about your body shape and image, including being overweight or underweight.
  • Problems in your relationship

These problems may lead to the release of some hormones including stress hormones like epinephrine and norepinephrine, which will result in having sexual performance anxiety.

Symptoms of Sexual Performance Anxiety

As mentioned before, the state of mind is playing an important part in your sexual performance. Constatly worrying about everything related to this topic will make it impossible for you to enjoy it.

One thing about sexual performance anxiety, it isn’t diagnosed as often in women as it is in men, but it can affect women, too. Anxiety can take away the physical desire to make love for a woman.

Anxiety can take you out of the right mind-set for sex. Continuously focusing on how well you will perform, you will not concentrate on what you are doing.

Sexual performance anxiety may to lead a cycle of troubles, as you might experience anxiety about sex and your ability that you can’t perform well, which will eventually lead to even more sexual performance anxiety.

How to Overcome Sexual Performance Anxiety

Sexual Performance Anxiety Treatment 

Seeing A Doctor 

One of the most applicable advice about sexual performance anxiety is seeing a doctor, someone who is sure about what to tell you, as well as someone who you are comfortable with to discuss a private topic like your sex life.

The doctor will examine you and do some tests to make sure a health condition or medication isn’t the cause of your problems.

The doctor will ask you about your previous sexual attempts, and your sexual history, to know how long you’ve had sexual performance anxiety and what kinds of thoughts are interfering with your sex life.


Medications and other therapies can help treat other sexual problems like sexual performance anxiety that have physical causes. If a medical issue isn’t the problem, your doctor might suggest you try one of the following approaches:


Therapy will help you a lot with your sexual anxiety. Make an appointment with a therapist who is an expert with sexual topics.

Therapy can help you understand what is going on with you and how you can get relaxed and get rid of all of these issues.

Talk about it with your partner

Opening up to your partner will help you to ease some of your worries, talking about it with your partner may help you get closer as a couple.


Not only does working out make you feel better about your body, but it also improves your stamina in your sex life.

At last, take it easy on yourself, and be confident about yourself, and never beat yourself up about your appearance.

If you are looking for a consult please contact us on: 

02 24159997

01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit our clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

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