Separation Anxiety Disorder

What Is Separation Anxiety Disorder?

Most children have a problem with separation especially when they are separated from their parents when they go to school.

However, the intensity of separation anxiety can indicate more serious problems. For example, if the intensity of separation anxiety is more than expected or more than usual and affecting with school or other daily activities or includes panic attacks and other problems, then this child might suffer from Separation Anxiety Disorder.

Separation Anxiety Disorder can happen to toddlers, children, teenagers, and even grownups, but it is less to happen to grown-ups with some significant problems while leaving home or going to work.

Separation Anxiety is a serious problem but it is treatable, in this article we will discuss the symptoms of Separation Anxiety disorder and some of its causes.


Symptoms of separation anxiety disorder may include:

Recurrent and excessive distress about being away from home or loved ones.
Unjustified worry about losing your parent loved ones to be ill.
Constant worry that something bad will happen to you or the loved ones.
Refusing of leaving home because of the fear of separation.
Repeated nightmares about separation

Causes Of Separation Anxiety Disorder

There are some factors that may trigger Separation Anxiety Disorder.
Genetics plays an important role in the appearance of separation anxiety disorder.

And here are some other factors:

Life stresses
Loss of loved ones
Divorce of parents
Family history
Environmental issues

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