reimagining your most feared situations

Can reimagining your most feared situations help you boost your confidence? … 7 steps to decrease social anxiety. 

According to the latest researchers, writing down your socially awkward, and upsetting memory, can help you overcome that bad experience as well as helping you achieve greater self-confidence. 

If these words seem a little weird for you, keep on reading to know Can reimagining your most feared situations helps you boost your confidence. In this blog, we will discuss 7 steps to decrease your social anxiety.

In the meantime,  if you need any mental consult please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

What is Social Anxiety? 

Before overcoming your social anxiety you need to know first, what is social anxiety?  

According to the definition of social anxiety, it is the stems from a traumatic experience in public that makes you feel unduly bad about yourself.

In normal times, you may feel just fine about public speaking, whether it is a virtual connection or in person. You might also feel fairly confident about performing in front of others whether entertaining them with your guitar, piano pr even singing. 

However, there are times, much to your surprise, when someone questioned you in a way that you may feel to be close to bullying, the first note went flying out of your head, and as your audience began to giggle, you tried to escape the situation as quickly as possible. That is when you feel socially anxious, that is when you had your first social anxiety. 

How Do People With SAD Feel? 

People ow are suffering from social anxiety disorder experience high levels of worry about a wide range of possible situations including getting mocked or getting bullied by others or just embarrassing themselves. 

Accordingly, people who have social anxiety disorder generally avoid these situations as much as possible. 

How To EaseYour Social Anxiety? 

Seeking professional help will be your first option if you want to get rid of your social anxiety disorder. 

However, and according to the latest studies from the University of Sydney’s Alice Norton and colleagues (2021), since social trauma can be the  main key of social anxiety, then “appraisal of such socially traumatic experiences” can maintain the disorder through “negative beliefs and imagery.”

So, How Can You Re-Imagine your Social Trauma? 

There are 7 steps to rewrite your past experiences with social anxiety, 

  1.  Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the situation that caused you social awkwardness. 
  2. Describe the mental image that came to your mind while re0magining that situation, describe that image in detail, everything about it, your facial expression, body language, physical sensation… Everything. 
  3. What memories do you have linked to these images? What were the coral beliefs you had regarding these images? 
  4. Is there particular thought that pops up in your mind while re-imagining that image?  
  5. If yes, what would it mean about/to you?
  6. How valid would your beliefs about yourself be?
  7. What is the degree of emotion that was associated with the image that was positive or negative; how intense they were; and whether they felt either embarrassed/ashamed or pleased/proud.

As you responded to these questions yourself, then, you could see how delving into your imagery, your memories, and your emotions can give you insight into the nature of your automatic thoughts and whether you interpret these images in terms of your feelings of inadequacy.

Even when you think about those situations and see yourself as successful and feel inwardly proud of how well you had done, it will help you ease your social anxiety. 

In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us if you are looking for a consultant,,  02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt


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