Reasons For Fear Of Love

Reasons For Fear Of Love

Love is one of the best feelings that any person can feel and he continues to search for it throughout his life until he finds someone who feels comfortable with his loneliness and lives with him the most beautiful moments, but in contrast there are some people running away from love and marriage, these people may have philophobia.

In this article we will learn more about phobia of love, their causes and how to get rid of feelings of fear of love?

What is the phobia of love?

Philophobia is the fear of falling in love or entering into any emotional relationship, this fear can affect the social and emotional life of the affected person, and in some severe cases the person with philophobia may avoid social interaction with others whether they are co-workers, friends or family members.

Causes of fear of love

There are many reasons for fear of love, including reasons related to the person himself or related to education, the most important of which are:

  1. Parental violence may be one of the most important causes of fear of emotional relationships due to fear of such cruelty from their future partners.
  2. The frequent fight between father and mother may give children the fear that their relationship with their partners will be like that and this picture of emotional relationships in general has taken in their mind.
  3. Introverted characters have more fear than others from relationships or love experiences because the nature of their character prevents them from having new experiences and risking love.
  4. Lack of self-confidence leads to a desire to move away completely from joining any relationships, and the belief that he cannot take responsibility for any relationship or even deal with others.
  5. Fear of emotional relationships may be caused by subjective experiences that a person has and end in big problems and leaving him with negative effects that make him fearful of repeating the experience.

Phobia of love symptoms:

  1. Fear and excessive anxiety when thinking about emotional relationships.
  2. Avoid emotional communication.
  3. Social withdrawal
  4. Quick heartbeat and sweat when a potential person talks.
  5. Difficulty trusting others.
  6. Inability to breathe normally.
  7. Stay away from everyone who likes or wants to build a friendly relationship.
  8. Not being able to control these feelings despite knowing that they are abnormal.
  9. Always talking about unsuccessful emotional experiences.

How to overcome feelings of fear of love?

There are many ways in which philophobia can be treated, the most important of which is cognitive behavioral therapy by identifying negative thoughts and beliefs in the patient that caused him to panic and reactions to the source of the phobia. Once the source of fear is known, the patient is treated on this basis and spoken to change his way of thinking and acting.

If you suffer from the phobia of love and this adversely affects your social and emotional life, you can now Communicate with Dr. Mona Reda, a consultant in mental health and marital relations to ensure a happy Emotional Life.

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