Psychotherapy, its types, advantages and what it provides a benefit.

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Psychotherapy, its types, advantages and what it provides a benefit.

What makes psychotherapy special?

Psychotherapy is a term used by clinicians to describe the process of treating mental and psychological disorders through the use of verbal and psychological therapies.
During this process, a psychotherapist helps the person with the problem to address some of the issues involved
Specific or general problems such as treatment of mental illness or problems caused by life stress.
The therapist does this based on scientific methods and foundations, using wide and different groups of
Techniques and strategies that include all types of psychotherapy and aim to develop a relationship
The therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the patient in terms of improving communication, creating dialogue, and working to overcome
On thoughts or behaviors that cause problems.
This makes psychotherapy differently viewed as a distinct profession in its own right, offered by many professionals such as clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, marital and family therapists, social workers, and mental health counsellors.

Types of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy takes different forms because it depends on two very important things, the approach of the therapist and
patient needs.
It is not limited to specific aspects, but includes several areas such as:
Individual therapy: which includes individual therapy with a psychotherapist.
Marital therapy: It includes work between the therapist and the spouses with the aim of treating problems that are
face relationship
Family therapy: This type aims to improve relationships and the way they work within the family
It is done collectively i.e. it includes all family members.
Group therapy: Group therapy is carried out within a small group of individuals who suffer from
There are problems in their lives and they share the goal of treatment and enjoying a healthy life, and this type is considered
Therapy is one of the best methods of psychotherapy because it gives space to provide and receive support from others.

What are psychotherapy techniques?

As soon as people hear the term psychotherapy, they look at it with a stereotypical look, like what appears in movies
The components of this picture are a patient lying on a sofa talking to his doctor, who is sitting next to him on the
A chair holding a notebook and jotting down the most important points and notes that the patient mentions
Of course this is not the case, the fact of the matter is that psychotherapy contains a variety of groups
Of the methods and practices used and techniques that are used in psychotherapy.
The method used varies according to the situation being worked on, based on various factors
The doctor notices it in the first visit and it is diagnosed on the basis of the therapist’s background. He also takes care of the client’s preferences and the exact nature of his problem and works to achieve his comfort so that the treatment journey takes place in a proper manner.

How does psychotherapy help?

There are many forms of psychotherapy, all of which aim to help people overcome problems
Which are challenges in their lives, as it helps them to develop themselves and try to adapt to some life circumstances to live a happier and healthier life, it is used to treat a wide range of conditions
Mental health.
That is why psychotherapy is a very important and beneficial experience for all those who suffer from problems
It harms the psychological aspect, as it provides patients with those who consolidate their efforts and experiences to treat them and assess health conditions
Mental illness, diagnosis, and treatment.

How do you benefit from psychotherapy?

The effectiveness of treatment is related to a wide range of factors such as the nature and degree of the problem, and there are
There are also things to stick to to get the most out of the treatment such as:
● Honesty with the therapist: because trying to hide problems or feelings may threaten the benefit of treatment, so
You must work to show your true personality without trying to hide its sides or some
its drawbacks.
● Freedom of Expression: You should not try to hide your negative or painful feelings like
Sadness or other, because talking about these feelings in the context of treatment will help you become
One of the most important points that the patient must realize is that he must give space to the therapist to take place
Communication and alliance among themselves, and some research has indicated that achieving communication between the therapist and the patient
It makes the treatment more effective and successful
He must also commit to attending the sessions and adhere to the treatment plan and appointments that are set
through the doctor.
The matter does not fall on the doctor alone, but that psychological treatment is a partnership between the doctor and his efforts
His work, his experiences, and the patient’s acceptance of the treatment, and this is considered as a contribution from him to the success of the plan
treatment and its proper functioning.


If you want to know more Psychotherapy diseases and how to handle & cure it you can Click here 


In the meantime, if you are looking for Mental Health Consulting. You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda
please contact us on:
02 24159997

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