Post-traumatic stress disorder

Some people who go through traumatic events may have problems adjusting and coping with it along time, this condition is called post-traumatic stress disorder.

post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that is treatable and can get better along the way with time and good self-care.

There are some cases when the symptoms get worse, that might even last for months or even years, in these cases you would better consult a specialist.
In this article, we will discuss the meaning of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the causes of this condition as well as the treatment of it.

What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that’s aroused by a horrifying event, whether by witnessing it or experiencing it.

There is a series of symptoms that is accompanied that condition that might include, flashbacks, nightmare, and intense anxiety as well as back and forth thoughts about the event that causes the trauma.

On the bright side, PTSD is a treatable mental health condition, and effective treatment can reduce the symptoms and improve the mental health condition.

Post-traumatic stress disorder Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms usually start after the event by one month, but it may appear after a few years after the event.
Although that the symptoms may take time to appear, it has a great effect on the person’s social life and may cause significant problems in both personal and social life, it may also affect the person’s ability to go about the normal daily tasks.

PTSD symptoms are usually grouped into 4 groups and they are intruding memories, avoidance, bad mood, and changes in emotional and physical reactions.

Intruding memories may include unwanted and distressing memories of the traumatic event in form of flashbacks. It may also include upsetting dreams and nightmares.

Avoidance symptoms may include avoiding thinking or even talking about the traumatic event.

Bad mood symptoms may include negative thoughts about the world, or other people, or even yourself. Not having faith in yourself for the future, it might extend and include difficulty in maintaining relationships.

Physical and emotional reactions that are called arousal symptoms may include trouble in sleeping, trouble in concentrating, and anger.

PTSD symptoms may vary in their intensity from one person to another and over time, there are some factors that may affect those symptoms.

post-traumatic stress disorder may develop when you experience or see, or witness traumatic events; death, threatened, serious injury, or even sexual violation.

In most of the cases, doctors don’t know the main reason that causes PTSD, as there are several and couple mix of reasons behind it like:

Stressful events
Mental Helth issues in the family
Brain Chemicals and body hormones


The main treatments for PTSD are medications, psychotherapy (“talk” therapy), or both, it depends on the case and how serious his condition is.
Medications for treating PTSD are usually antidepressants that control the PTSD symptoms such as sadness, worry, and anger.

If you are going through PTSD or know someone who is going through this condition, don’t worry PTSD is treatable and doctors and patients can work together to find the best medication.

If you are looking for a consult please contact us on: 

02 24159997

01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit our clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

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