Persistent marital problems

Persistent marital problems

When thinking seriously about it, there is no marriage that does not go through problems that are considered tests.
For each spouse to find a solution to how to deal with repeated disagreements and develop the best solutions to avoid them and live in peace
It’s okay to repeat these problems over the years of marriage, this is normal, but the important thing is to overcome She has to know her reasons first.
In some relationships there is a state of disrespect for the spouses each other and it may develop to cross borders excessively in the hope that this approach will become a means of changing one party and of course
The result in the end will definitely be failure because that’s just annoying.
There are also many life partners who lack communication with each other and this situation is a problem.
Because communication is one of the most important basics of a successful marital relationship, which helps to solve problems in a way.
The result series is the ability to communicate and talk about the problem, while those who lack that concept
The impact of the problem for them is greater and deeper.
The worst thing that may affect the relationship is selfishness in the husband or wife, that one of them always puts himself first before his partner. Another common reason is the expectation of each other.
According to his desire, the wife expects him to surprise her with something and the husband expects his wife to surprise him and disappoint him.
All of them and that makes the relationship toxic


Types of marital problems

1. The different habits of each of the spouses, each person has his different habits that he practices throughout his life.
For example, the wife may be organized and the husband is random, in which case the problem is simple.
It can be ended with discussion and exchange of views among you
2. Raising children This type of problem is common and frequent either because the husband is under the responsibility of
Raising the entire child on the wife or the difference between you in the method and method of upbringing. This can be resolved by agreeing from the beginning on the terms of raising the child, which makes the differences less.
3. Lack of attractiveness between you at some point, and this appears after a period of marriage due to boredom and apathy. One of you may lack sexual desire towards his partner and begin to evade, which increases
The gap between them and here we must be canduled because this will contribute to the renewal of the relationship and the removal of barriers
Which causes problems
4. Excess jealousy, which is one of the biggest destroyers of the relationship, but can be eliminated through understanding.
It is also the responsibility of the party that suffers from exaggerated jealousy and tries not to exaggerate the responses.
Act and trust his other partner


➢ Now we will mention one of the most prominent and important problems that destroy a lot of relationships


It is the families of one of the spouses breaking into the private life of their children and working to sabotage it.
From the beginning of the relationship, we must identify the reasons that may be due to the nature of the husband’s family and their intrusion.
And break into the privacy of the life of others, in which case the husband who knows that this is of the nature of
His family should not pay attention to what they say about his wife and not give him value or weight and contribute to reform.
The situation between both the wife and the parents and to ease the burden on his wife if an injustice occurs on her from his family.
Another cause of problems between the two parties may be such as jealousy that fills the hearts of the husband’s family when they see
The son is attached to the wife and in this problem it is the responsibility of the husband to compensate the parents for these feelings, show them care and love and try not to show his attachment to his wife in front of them.


Tips to avoid marital problems


● Do not exaggerate and amplify the size of the problem and look for the safest solutions to get rid of it and consider
An objective picture of her
● The method of dialogue in trying to solve the problem is of great benefit, as it is one of the most successful solutions
Which ends the problems
● Do not show disagreement to children so that it does not affect their mental health
∙ Waiver, non-cling and imposition of opinion from a party.
● Follow the style of frankness and honesty between the two parties because this contributes to ending the problem
With the least losses
Finally, if you suffer from failure to get rid of differences and problems between you, you can
Visiting a psychiatrist or consultant specialized in marital relations to help you save your relationship.
And save from obstacles to enjoy a life together.


Marital therapy


Marital therapy is a treatment provided by a specialized person whose goal is to support and consolidate his effort.
To help you settle marriage or celibacy disputes of any kind whether communication problems,
Anger, emotions, betrayal and even the desire to break up.


If you want to know more Psychotherapy diseases and how to handle & cure it you can Click here


In the meantime, if you are looking for Mental Health Consulting. You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda
please contact us on:
02 24159997

Or visit the clinic at this address:  94 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt.

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