Myths about sexual health

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Myths about sexual health
There are many myths about sexual health. We hear a lot of information and advice about sexual health, but some of them are wrong and should not be believed, so this article will highlight the list of myths that should not be believed about sexual health:
Learn about the most prominent myths about sexual health:
Penis size matters most:
Many people believe that a man’s sexual ability is related to the size of his penis, and that if the penis is small, the pleasure between husband and wife decreases.
This perception is wrong because the penis may be large, but the man has health problems that prevent him from enjoying it. On the other hand, he may be short but healthy.
Delayed ejaculation indicates sexual health
One myth suggests that delayed ejaculation is a sign of sexual health.
It is not necessary for the intimate relationship to be long in order to obtain pleasure, because this differs from one couple to another. Because there are other factors that enable couples to enjoy and prolong intimacy.
It is normal for ejaculation to take 4 to 5 minutes, so delayed ejaculation has nothing to do with sexual health.
But if a man suffers from premature ejaculation, he should see a doctor to find out the cause.
Erection always indicates desire:
Erection always indicates desire, which is not true because men get erections at different times, which may have nothing to do with desire. There is a so-called morning erection, which is normal for many men as well. If the erection is excessive and persistent, it may indicate a medical problem.
Ejaculation means orgasm:
Another myth about male sexual health is that ejaculation means orgasm, but the truth is that ejaculation can occur without orgasm in some cases, but most orgasms occur shortly before ejaculation. It is worth noting that ejaculation is a biological process that occurs in men, while orgasm is associated with brain regions.
Condoms hinder pleasure:
Many couples resort to using condoms, which can help reduce the chances of pregnancy and prevent STDs. But some people believe that condoms will reduce sexual pleasure for both husband and wife, and the truth is that this happens because the size and shape of the chosen condom is not appropriate, so choosing the appropriate condom does not reduce sexual pleasure.
Excess desire in men is a disease:
One of the myths about male sexual health is that a man thinks about sex every 7 seconds. It is a myth that you do not believe. However, a man thinks of a woman more in a sexual relationship, which makes him more inclined to have sex, for the following reasons:
sexual arousal in men.
Intense love for the wife and the joy of having sex with her.
Lack of erection means related to the fact that the husband does not love his wife:
Sometimes the male organs do not respond to sexual arousal, which is caused by many factors and does not mean that there are health problems such as: stress, anxiety, etc., and it has nothing to do with the degree of love between spouses.
Myths about sexual health
If this is temporary and not recurring, then there is nothing to worry about, but a doctor should be consulted if the erectile dysfunction is permanent.
Finally, you can consult Dr. Mona Reda, who will help you achieve this professionally. Connect with us
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