Marriage counseling and its effective role

Marriage counseling

Marriage counseling and its effective role

Usually wives turn to marital counseling because they are not sure if their husbands still love them.
One of the most common reasons why a wife feels that her husband doesn’t love her is because he doesn’t seem to understand
to her problems and that he is always busy in his own world and does not have time to listen to her.
But the biggest problem is that the husband does not understand his wife’s need to talk to him due to many
Differences in the way the sexes think and act.
They both keep wondering why the other person behaves differently and it will go on for periods of time
Long if they did not seek to understand those differences!
Marriage is the stage in which both parties can discover each other in terms of differences
Temperament, the way the partner was brought up, his cultural and religious background, etc.
The above emphasizes the need for husbands and wives to make an effort to understand each other because this will help them
In accepting each other realistically and trying to share things and seeking to modify patterns of thinking and behavior that will achieve harmony between them so that the relationship will be successful, and this will help to remove the misunderstanding, frustration and confusion that threatens the relationship.
Many problems become worse if not addressed, do not go away with time as many people imagine and may become too complex to deal with later.

Why is marriage difficult?

It may be that we build too many unrealistic expectations and then the opposite happens without us being prepared to face it.
There may also be other reasons that make it more difficult, such as weakness and lack of experience, and of course this will affect the relationship, and we may resort to some special methods in an attempt to confront these matters, but unfortunately they become worse
With all the problems that are encountered in marriages these days, premarital counseling is little by little becoming recognized as a “must” before marriage.
Nowadays, we live a very stressful life that leaves little time to relax or solve problems through discussion, so we tend to give up or ignore the problem.
But over time, it will become an explosive accumulation and threaten the peace of the relationship
Men and women are very different from each other, not only physically, but also in terms of
Psychological and mental, one may be introverted and the other extroverted, each mood has strengths and weaknesses
And once you get to know each other’s points, you can complete and complement each other

What is the purpose of marital counseling?

The interaction in the Marriage counseling sessions shows the possibility of helping the wife deliver
her case and clarify her needs and desires to save the marital relationship from the crises it is going through.
Marital counseling is an excellent and suitable treatment option for marital and sexual problems he is going through
The spouses, as it provides information to the therapist to help the two parties overcome what threatens the relationship through
Study the matter, go through some sessions, and develop a program that contributes to the rehabilitation of the relationship once
This is done by getting close to the spouses, listening to both of them and using verbal skills
The information is then evaluated, helping them initiate and deal with the right solutions
This is the responsibility of the consultant, so he must work well and do his best because it is a collar
The escape that the couple resorted to to preserve their relationship

❖ Our advice to all couples

Respect is how we see the other person, it means belief in the value of the person on the basis of humanity
Shared without anything else, it is the value that you both hold to the other and will make your life
It is characterized by calm, receptiveness and lack of strictness.
Because if disrespect prevails among you, obstacles and problems will continue to escalate, which will threaten
Stability reduces the value of affection, positive feelings, and love, and all of this becomes ineffective
to a big limit.


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