Learn about 7 Disadvantages of Having Sex Everyday

disadvantages of having sex everyday

Intercourse between spouses is a health issue that enhances the partners’ relationship with each other, but can frequent intercourse harm the health of the body?! and What is the safe average to avoid Disadvantages of Having Sex Everyday?

That’s what we know in this article.

Side Effects of too much sex

Although Having too much sex does not affect the long-term health of the body, but there are indications that the practice of intimacy should be reduced.

Learn the Disadvantages of Having Sex Everyday:

  1. Severe infections
  2. Feeling pain during intercourse.
  3. Tightness and tension in the neck.
  4. Feeling dizzy or headache
  5. Incidence of convulsions
  6. Increased psychological stress
  7. Bored of intimacy.

What is the safe average to avoid Disadvantages of Having Sex Everyday?

There is no specific method or average of sex, it varies based on several factors such as age, sexual desire and health but a study has shown that a person’s normal average of sex is 54 times a year, But as we mentioned before, it may vary from person to person, but from time to time for the same person, where sexual desire can change from time to time, sometimes the desire to practice intimacy increases, and sometimes the desire to practice intimacy decreases. and should talk to the partner in case of fatigue and desire to take rest to avoid disadvantages of having sex everyday.

Causes of multiple intercourse

The causes of excessive sexual intercourse include:

  1. Escaping Problems.
  2. Relieving tension and psychological stress.
  3. Hormone disorder.
  4. Developing Sexual Hypersexuality Disorder.

Benefits of Exercising intimacy on partners’ mental health?

Exercising a healthy intimacy with a partner can have several benefits for the partners’ mental health, including:

  1. Promote emotional association between partners.
  2. Improve mood and happiness.
  3. Promote and strengthen trust and communication with the partner.
  4. Relieve stress and fatigue.
  5. Enhancing self-confidence.

In the end each relationship is unique, and what may be a lot of sex for a couple may be suitable for the other and if you feel good and happy with your partner you probably have the right amount of sex for you on the other side the feeling of unhappiness in the relationship will not automatically be fixed by having more sex. 

To ensure a healthy sexual relationship with your partner, you can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist and sex therapist to get a medical consultation with a specialized medical team at the highest level.

References: How Much Sex Does the Average Person Have?

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