Is Your Comfort Zone Killing You?

Know The Pros and Cons of Being Stuck In Your Comfort Zone 

If you want to lose weight, you have to face the pain of not eating the food you like. If you want to leave a relationship, you have to face the fear of being alone. If you want to start a new business, you have to face the possibility that it may not succeed, we are all afraid of doing the things that we “should” do, as human nature we tend to stay in our “Comfort Zone” and avoid pain.

Getting out of the safe zone, or the comfort zone is one of the biggest dilemmas that psychotherapists face nowadays with their patient, as they avoid things that they fear once or twice doesn’t seem to be a problem, but when the avoidance becomes a way of life that is when the problem appears.

In most cases, people tend to actuary hide behind their walls, but for most of us Comfort Zone is not a physical space, it is a way living in our mind where we avoid anything that might be painful and threaten to be comforted.

What is Comfort Zone?

Comfort Zone is defined as a psychological/emotional/behaviour construct that defines the routine of our daily life. This routine implies familiarity, safety, and security.

Although that staying in our comfort zone is safe, escaping from pain and stay in safe places seems not enough for our mind, most of the time we tend to replace the pain with pleasure, which may result in some bad results and addictive activities including drugs, alcohol, pornography, or even shopping.

Although people truly know how being stuck in the comfort zone can be harmful to them, but realizing that only can’t change how they think, that is because knowing this information only works on the level of rational thinking. But the part of us that avoids pain is completely irrational, it all triggers the same spot in our mind, that makes us think that if we get out of the comfort zone we will die.

It is hard to fight and face am irrational fear with rational thinking, it is weak. Instead, you need a force. In this case, it’s called the “Force of Forward Motion”

This force basically works on your pain, it has its magical ways to make your pain less “ painful”.

As when you move towards something that frightened you or causes pain to you, your pain shrinks, on the other side if you kept avoiding pain it will grow inside of you until it becomes a monster that purses you.

Acknowledging and wisely deciding when to embrace and breakthrough boundaries are critical to career and life successes. Here’s the pros and cons of the comfort zone:

Pros and Cons of Comfort Zone

The Pros of being stuck in Your comfort zone includes:

Gaining Experience 

When you stay in your comfort zone, you do pretty much the same activities. It becomes a part of your routine as you perform tasks repeatedly and successfully.

Performing the Same tasks for quite some time will definitely end up in gaining experience in those activities and you master them.

Being confident

Keeping yourself inside the comfort zone will maintain your confidence in yourself and will limits anxiety that you might face with new experiences. Succeeding in daily tasks will promote healthy self-assurance.

Fewer Risks

Doing familiar tasks inside your comfort zone will make you fully aware of the risks and how to avoid them, as Familiar activities tend to be less risky than unknown ones.

Less Energy 

Any activity in your comfort zone can be done quickly and easily without too much thinking of planning, so you save up your energy for new tasks.


After pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, it is good to be back to your comfort zone it will help you reinvigorate and psychologically recuperate before returning to more anxiety-inducing and uncertain situations.

There is no doubt that there are convincing reasons to spend time in our comfort zone, however, breaking free of these constructs can also be attractive and surprising.

Cons of being in your comfort zone include:

Missing Out 

Staying in your comfort zone for a long time will make you miss out what is going on in the outside world, you will miss opportunities for growth.

It is like physics, a body at rest will remain at rest unless an outside force moves it, you can’t make progress by being still.

New Things, New Experience

Perhaps that phrase is one of the most cliche phrases you will ever hear, but not trying new things is the worse things that you can do to your self. No risks, no rewards.

Bigger Comfort Zone

One of the most rewarding reasons to push yourself out of your comfort zone is to stretch it.

When you take risks, embrace the feeling of discomfort, you will only grow by trying new things, you will gain experience as well as boosting your confidence.

The more you try challenging activities, the more normal those tasks become, broadening your comfort zone to larger and larger dimensions.

Whatever you feel inside your comfort zone, you are definitely missing a lot you are paying a huge price.

Life always has a lot to offer, as well as incredible possibilities but you can’t have them unless you face some pain. If you fear falling your pain you will never live fully and you will miss a lot.

If you are looking for a consult please contact us on: 

02 24159997

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