Is marital rape a crime?

marital rape

What is marital rape?

To be more clear, regardless of the relationship between the rapist and the victim, rape occurs when another person is forced to have sex.
Thus the term “marital rape” refers to the rape of one spouse by the other.
Some studies have shown that between 10% and 15% of women have been raped by their husbands
There is a difference of opinion on the issue of marital rape, as some do not see it as a crime and did not mention before that one of the perpetrators has been tried, and of course this is only the result of the persistence of traditional views of marital relations and discrimination on the basis of sex.

Is the husband’s rape of his wife still rape?

The answer is yes indeed!! As we mentioned before, rape is forcing another person to have sex while he does not want it, and this can be described as sexual assault, even if the husband does it with his wife who is permissible for him.
Rape in a romantic relationship and marriage is considered violence by a partner through coercive sex and abuse.
The use of force is not the only thing that makes an assault a violation of a person’s integrity. Sexual assault may not always be overtly violent.
As an example of what we want to illustrate, using narcotics to induce sexual acts is also violent sexual exploitation and rape.
There are some people who use threats to harm themselves or someone close to the victim to force sex and this is also considered sexual violence.

It also includes situations in which deception is used or forced to perform sexual acts without the desire to do so.

The effect of marital rape on mental health

Experiences of sexual rape greatly affect the general view of life in terms of an individual’s view of himself, others, and the world at large.
Marital rape and sexual violence in general also affect an individual’s view of sex, love, and relationships.
It is considered a form of trauma and it is known that trauma may lead to a deterioration in the state of health, physical as well as mental
Because of this attack, an individual may have:

If a person is exposed to such a violation by someone who cares about him and loves him, it leaves a deep negative impact and feelings of love turn into a feeling of confusion, fear and insecurity.

Why is marital rape a crime?

Marital rape is considered a crime because marriage cannot be considered a license to coerce the other party into sexual relations upon request, and marriage cannot provide tacit, irrevocable consent.
Marital rape is a crime against humanity, even the most heinous violation of a woman’s physical integrity
Those who consider it normal between spouses should know that a married woman has the same right as an unmarried woman to control her own body.
❖ The criminalization of marital rape grants women basic human rights, as well as a sense of security against the most heinous crimes that can occur under the marriage clause, and every woman will have the right to say “no” when she does not want to have a marital relationship.

Effects of marital rape

Sometimes it has minor effects on physical health, which are easy to treat and recover from, but the biggest problem is the psychological damage to the victim, and in that case, seeking help is very important.
It is highly recommended to get professional mental health support who can help address these feelings and develop a plan to start feeling better.

Cognitive behavioral therapy by a professional can help reframe all the thoughts that make the person feel distracted and can also provide practical strategies for the individual to cope when they are feeling distressed, uncomfortable, or going through various stages of grief.
Physical therapy can be particularly helpful for those who have experienced partner violence and who may need what is known as physical experience therapy. It works by helping the body release the effects of the trauma and helps restore balance to the nervous system.

While you are one of those who have gone through such a harsh experience, do not worry, you just need a mental health consultation, you can always contact Dr. Mona Reda Ali

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