Is Crying Good For You?

is crying good for you

Crying is a natural response to strong emotions and psychological pressures experienced by a human being, crying is seen as a way of expressing grief, pain and sometimes joy as well, and although crying may initially seem like a negative experience, there is evidence about benefits of crying for an individual’s mental health.

In this article you will discover the benefits of crying psychologically, and the connotation of man crying.

Is crying good for health?

Human beings usually try to mute their tears as they indicate vulnerability, but if you do so you prevent you from enjoying many benefits to your mental health such as:

1. Relieving emotional stress: crying is thought to contribute to the liberation of hormones and chemicals in the body that promote relieving emotional stress.

2.Mood improvement: when we cry, we may feel emotionally released and psychologically relieved, which leads to a feeling of relief and happiness afterwards.

3.Emotional pain Relief: crying is a form of expression of sadness and emotional pain, by crying, hormones and chemical compounds can be excreted that relieve emotional pain and help us deal with loss of loved ones or other emotional trauma.

4.Organizing emotions: it is a way to regulate and unload emotions rather than aggregate negative emotions within us, and here comes the benefits of crying that can help release and free those emotions, resulting in a sense of balance and emotional calm.

5.Improving social relationships: crying is sometimes considered a means of emotional communication and expression of our emotional needs, which enhances others’ understanding of us and promotes social support.

6.Psychological calm and relaxation: When feeling sad or joy many different hormones are excreted, most notably adrenaline, after which you feel a relaxed body and psychological quiet.

7.Help to sleep: it helps to eliminate feelings of stress and improve mood, which helps you sleep faster.

Is it weak for a guy to cry?

Crying does not shame a man, as it is not evidence of his weakness and brokenness, but of his humanity, his love for those around him and his reconciliation with himself. Crying works to purify the soul of all the pressures that may affect it, as it is a natural response to emotions and is not related to sex or power.
We must go beyond social stereotyping and misperceptions about crying and sex, crying a man is not a weakness, but an expression of humanity and emotional connection.

Every person needs to allow themselves to be honest with their feelings and deal with them correctly and in a balanced manner.

Despite the many benefits of crying you should mention that excessive and persistent crying may be a sign of deeper health or psychological problems.
So if you are worried about your crying pattern or negatively affects your daily life, we advise you to contact  Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist to get the appropriate help to enjoy a calm and stable life.

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