Exercising improves physical health in general, and also increases the efficiency of sexual health in particular.
Benefits of exercise on sexual health:
1. Improve circulation and blood flow, which may prevent erectile dysfunction.
2. Increase sexual ability and improve sexual performance.
3. Improve libido and relieve stress.
4. Enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem, which positively affects sexual health.
5. Increased chances of having orgasms
The most important exercises to improve sexual relations:
All exercises positively affect sexual performance, but there are some exercises in particular that increase stamina and give the body flexibility, and help to strengthen the pelvic muscles and thus enhance the sexual ability of men and women, such as:
1.Weight lifting and strength exercises: It is one of the exercises that studies have indicated may greatly help in enhancing sexual desire in men, as it increases the production of testosterone.
2. Kegel exercises: It is considered one of the good sexual exercises for women, as it helps to strengthen and tighten the muscles of the pelvis and vagina, especially after natural childbirth, which enhances sexual response.
3. Yoga: Yoga exercises improve the overall lifestyle and achieve a better sex life by increasing the flexibility of the body to reach better sexual positions.
4. Swimming: It helps to strengthen the muscles of the body in general and increases stamina.
5. Brisk walking: A study of a group of men in their fifties found that aerobic exercise such as brisk walking reduced the chances of developing erectile dysfunction by 30%.
Negative effects on exercises:
Despite the many benefits of exercise, moderation is important for a healthy and happy life. Vigorous and prolonged sports activities may cause some negative effects, including:
1. Excessive running for a long time does not mean achieving better health, as it may cause testicular pain in the man, which leads to a feeling of discomfort during intimacy.
2. It seems that women who engage in extreme sports have disturbances in the menstrual cycle and hormones, and this may lead to a lack of interest in sex and the ability to conceive.
3. Excessive exercise, such as swimming for long periods, may increase pressure on the muscles, and thus the weakness in continuing for a longer period in the practice of sexual relations, and thus a weakness in the sexual desire of the spouses.
4. After exercising, the body needs rest because of the increased feeling of mental and physical exhaustion after exercising, which leads to the inability to have sexual intercourse, which requires sufficient physical and mental energy to feel pleasure and excitement.
You can contact Dr. Mona Reda for Psychological Counselling and Marital Relations.