Illness Anxiety Disorder

“Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.”

Having a mental health problem is not a problem, when you seek the right medication and the willingness to become better it will not be a problem at all. 

In this article, we will talk about some of the rarest mental health issues yet one of the most dangerous illnesses out there. 

illness Anxiety Disorder is a disorder of being very anxious about your physical health, the reasons behind this disorder and the symptoms will be mentioned in this article, later on, keep on reading to know more about illness Anxiety Disorder

What is Illness Anxiety Disorder? 

Illness Anxiety Disorder is a chronic mental illness, in which people have a persistent fear that they have a serious or life-threatening illness despite few or no symptoms. 

Illness Anxiety Disorder was previously known as Hypochondria or Hypochondriasis. It is treatable in different ways including medications and cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). 

Illness Anxiety Disorder Common illness? Rare illness?  

Illness anxiety disorder is one of the extremely rare diseases, as it affects about 0.1% of people. Typically, Illness anxiety disorder appears during early adulthood, it can also affect all ages and all genders. 

Are There Types Of Illness Anxiety Disorder? 

There are 2 types of Illness Anxiety Disorder; Care-seeking, Care-avoidant. 

Although that these 2 types are in types of the same disease, yet they are a little different from each other, and here is how: 

Care-seeking Type: This type of Illness Anxiety Disorder, is where you spend all of your time seeking healthcare, you seek medical advice and multiple specialists and medical tests. 

Care-avoidant Type: On the Other Side, Care-avoidant, is the type where you avoid medical appointments or medical tests, which can create more fear and anxiety.

Reasons Of Illness Anxiety Disorder 

Healthcare and Medical Specialist experts, still haven’t figure out why some people might develop an illness anxiety disorder. However, they stated that there are some factors that might be the reason behind developing Illness Anxiety Disorder like, if you have a family history of:

  • Childhood Trauma 
  • Child Abuse/ Child Neglect 
  • Permanent & Extreme Stress 
  • Previous Serious Illness 
  • Suffering From Mental Health Issues


Symptoms Of Illness Anxiety Disorder

As mentioned above people who suffer from Illness Anxiety Disorder have an unrealistic fear about being seriously ill. 

Symptoms of an illness anxiety disorder include:

  • Avoiding people or places due to fear of catching an illness. 
  • Anxiety about personal health 
  • Obsession with normal body functions


How To Deal With Illness Anxiety Disorder

Having Illness Anxiety Disorder is a serious illness but yet it is treatable, your healthcare provider may advise you to seek a mental health professional. 

Your treatment journey may include medications and therapy. 

Medications like Antidepressants help you feel less anxious and/or depressed.

Therapy may include Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to talk through your fears and anxieties and learn healthy ways to cope.

If you are looking for a consult please contact us on: 

02 24159997

01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit our clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

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