How to Heal from Past Trauma?

how to heal from past trauma

How to Heal from Past Trauma?

A violent assault…Sexual Assault… A car accident.. These are different forms of incidents that can affect your present and future health.

According to scientists in Public Health, traumatic events are incidents that make you believe you are in danger of being seriously injured or losing your life.

Traumatic events can trigger emotional and physical reactions, which may cause different health problems and different diseases including heart attack, brain strokes, or even cancer.

Understanding Trauma can help in curing a different kind of mental issues, in this article we will be discussing the effect on pst trauma on the future and how can we address them properly.

Trauma Definition

According to the previous definition of trauma, it is incidents that will make you feel insecure about your life. Traumatic events can include anything from a sexual assault or childhood abuse to a cancer diagnosis.

Child abuse is considered to be one of the most traumatic events that can affect your future, as it happened when your brain was still vulnerable. Although some events that happened in your childhood may not have actually been in danger, you may have seen it as life-threatening, that what causes Trauma.

People with traumatic experiences may develop what is called post-traumatic stress disorder, r PTSD.

PTSD is a psychiatric condition that affects 5% to 10% of the general population, this disorder occurs in people who have certain risk factors, including those who suffered from poverty.

PTSD can affect people who have past experiences with violence, or who have close relatives who experienced those things as well.

Mental And Physical Health Problems

You may suffer from mental and physical health problems from your past traumatic events, the number of these problems goes up with the number of these events.

As your risk  for problems is much higher if you’ve had three or more negative experiences, called adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), These include:

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical  and emotional neglect
  • Domestic violence
  • Mental illness within the household
  • Parental separation or divorce

Other Forms Of Trauma  

Severely Tramtuic events are believed to have a great effect on health, on the other hand, other stressful events, that don’t necessarily meet the psychological definition of trauma, can still cause problems. Those stressful events may include sudden death in the family, stressful divorce and other events.

Those stressful events can be as harmful as traumatic events and can lead to serious mental issues such as anxiety or depression.

In addition to the previous points, incidents like these can also cause PTSD-lik3 symptoms to some people.

Some people may go through some traumatic events or complicated grief, they can experience similar symptoms to those they might experience with trauma, such as intrusive thoughts.

Effect of Trauma On Both Physical and Behavioral Sides

The effect of trauma is not s short term one. According to the latest reaches, childhood trauma is a risk factor for almost everything, it causes adult depression as well as PTSD and other psychiatric disorders.

Childhood traumas may also be the reason for some health and physical problems such as cardiovascular problems such as heart attack and stroke, cancer, and obesity.

Childhood Trauma affects two factors, and these factors are:

Behavioral Changes

People who suffer from traumatic memories may try to escape them by getting involved in some risky behaviours such as drinking, smoking, drug use, or even overeating for comfort.

Those risky behaviors can be used as a coping mechanism and a way of dealing with

Those can all be used as a coping mechanism, a way of dealing with emotional distress.

Physical Changes

Experts believe that there is a biological effect that occurs when your body undergoes extreme stress.

Your body suffers when you go through a stress phase, it produces more adrenaline and your heart races, as you experienced trauma may have stronger surges of adrenaline and experience them more often than someone who has not had the same history.

Stress can also increase body inflammation, which is associated with a  broad range of illness, including cardiovascular disease and autoimmune diseases. As well as affecting the inflammatory system. The more trauma you’ve gone through, the worse your health will be.

Trauma Treatment

One of the most problems that face people who suffer from trauma is the ability to get help, People who have experienced traumatic events may tend to avoid talking about them and accordingly not getting the help they need.

People may think that if they have experienced traumatic events, they believe et that their therapist of health care provides want them to talk about it only and bringing up feelings from the past, that is why most of them tend to avoid getting any medical care help.

But If you think that past trauma is affecting your life, there is help. This is a treatable problem. You don’t have to be stuck, there is a good chance that you can move past this.

Steps To Treat You Trauma:

1- Working With Therapist

Working with a professional and trained therapist will help you reframe what happened to you and help you move past it.

Exposing your self to your therapist is a huge step but it will also be the first step for you to come closer to your mental health stability.

2- Take care of yourself

  • Changing your lifestyle can help you reduce suffering from anxiety and stress.
  • exercising can also help you to manage your stress as well as Yoga and Meditation.
  • But you may need to start with therapy, and then add other strategies later on.
  • Taking steps to highlight the problem, may help others not only you.
  • Many people who have experienced traumatic events pass their problems on to others in their family, and that is called observational learning, he says. So, helping yourself may help those around you.

If you are looking for a consult please Contact us on: 

02 24159997

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