How do you get over the end of a romantic relationship?

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How do you get over the end of a romantic relationship?
Ending a Romantic relationship is a painful process for everyone and leaves profound effects that are difficult for some to overcome. In the published studies, researchers found that a large percentage of men and women who separated from their partners showed symptoms similar to depression, even if the separation occurred long before they were asked. About their condition after the breakup, their opinion of the emotional fallout, and of course, this is not surprising.
One of the biggest problems you face is that you built your life around this person who is your favorite person
So, there are a lot of tips that will help you get over the breakup, so you can overcome how you feel about someone you love and lost through you.
Maybe you should take some time for yourself and give it the value it deserves. At first, all of these things seem like strong pressure on a wound that hurts, but trying not only does it hurt us a little, but in itself it can only do so much.
So you have to try to look at things a little differently first, because life does not end with your separation from the one you love.
Why is the termination of relationships painful?
Relationships form the basis and a great meaning in our lives, and not only personal relationships, but it includes all
Types of Romantic relationship, even the one that connects you with your work or relatives and friends.
But since human beings depend so much on social life to survive, thrive and live well, the relationships are meaningful and carry great values ​​among humans.
This is what makes the loss and end of a Romantic relationship, especially the one that was so important and pivotal in one’s daily life,
Something that is difficult to bear or overcome. This separation makes the individual live a feeling as if he has lost a part of himself and he may lose confidence in everyone around him, and this is what makes these periods difficult to overcome.
The feeling of emptiness we all feel when we lose someone we love is actually more like a lack of identity
Some liken it to having a gap inside them and everything becomes empty and devoid of any real purpose, and there
Some people start to ask strange questions in themselves like if there is really any purpose in life at all after the partner is no longer there.
How can you get over a breakup?
You should invest in your relationship with yourself. There is always advice for those going through this period about whether they should take time for themselves because this helps in rearranging thoughts and increases the individual’s self-esteem and helps him realize that he deserves to live in a healthy relationship that achieves what he needs To him rest and peace
And if you are one of those people who live in a toxic relationship and are reading to find the best solution, this is a good time to explore who you are outside of that relationship.
Rushing to find someone to fill the void without knowing what you want and need is a recurring relationship disaster.
Oftentimes, it’s a lack of awareness about one’s needs that causes a relationship to break down in the first place, so one of the best things you can do is find out who you are, what you need, and how to meet those needs and to really know that, you have to figure it out for yourself. And don’t ignore the red flags
that appear in the relationship.
Skip the break up
The way you react to the breakup is your lifeline, there is no right or wrong way to do it but it varies from person to person depending on how you accept the event, some people may grieve at first and then slowly get over it, while others do the opposite.
Maybe you distract yourself so much that you don’t even think about it, then something reminds you of your partner and brings you grief again.
And if you feel that you are unable to do this on your own and you cannot get past that period with the bad feelings that surround you, you can consult a psychiatrist to help you overcome this. your life.
This condition is diagnosed as separation depression. All of these feelings are completely normal after the separation, but if they continue for a longer period of sadness than expected, it may be a sign that the situation is developing and becoming more serious. Life events such as separation or divorce sometimes lead to state of distress.
It has been shown that the post-breakup period is very similar to clinical depression. Experiencing depression and other symptoms after a relationship breaks down is described as an adjustment disorder, so it is important to understand the signs and symptoms so that you can find help and support if you need it.
What are the signs of post-breakup depression?
● Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
● weight loss or gain; appetite disorder
● Disturbed sleep more or less
Loss of ability to enjoy life
● Feeling of worthlessness
● Feeling of sadness and emptiness
● Fatigue, lack of energy and lethargy
Thoughts of death or suicide
While you are suffering from these symptoms, do not worry, you just need counseling in the field of mental health or some counseling in emotional relationships, you can always contact Dr. Mona Reda Ali
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