Health balance in marital life

الحياة الزوجية
Health balance in marital life
Some expect working wives, especially if they are wives or mothers, to do their best to balance different responsibilities and give each part its due. Indeed, in societies and countries around the world, women do a good job of balancing their responsibilities, and many working women are under tremendous pressure to balance work, family, marriage and even married life.
This fear of women’s professional ability to balance stems from the belief in many different societies, countries and cultures, that women are primarily responsible for raising and caring for children and for taking care of the family.
So, in this article, we have decided to provide some practical solutions and ideas that have been globally tested by working women to make their lives easier and more organized. Here are some ideas:
Time Management
In general, organization is one of the keys to success in any field. Therefore, a working woman needs to organize her time because she has a lot of tasks and responsibilities in order to assign tasks effectively and successfully. There are several ways to help working women organize tasks such as using a notebook to write down tasks, ideas and dates. Blogging will help you remember what you need to do and plan ahead and avoid surprises and confusion properly.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help!
Always remember that it’s normal to ask for help, even if you feel like you can get a lot done, as this will bring stress over time and affect your health. If possible, seek help from friends, relatives, family members, or domestic workers. If you do not like asking for help from strangers, remember that you have a life partner that you can turn to because it will save you a lot of energy, time and expenses. Also, your partner doing household chores will enhance your partnership, and encourage your children to participate in household chores, which will help reduce the burden on you and enhance their sense of responsibility and family affiliation and independence later in life.
Make time for yourself and your children
Make sure you spend special time talking to your child and enjoy playing with them, this is as important as preparing healthy meals, sending them to school and helping them with their homework. On expression, of course increases his sense of security. You can also tell him the details of your day and talk to him about any topic that interests him.
It is important to note that working mothers get into a lot of problems because of their busyness and of course it has negative long-term effects, as the relationship between mother and child is purely physical, apart from feelings. Don’t let this feeling affect your relationship with your child. Be gentle, compassionate, and strict when necessary. Balance is the best.
Renew married life
Many marital relationships may be affected when the wife goes out to work. This is because the working wife has many concerns and responsibilities. In many cases, the couple spends less time together, but in fact, the interest in constantly renewing the marital relationship and making sure to communicate with your partner through some small things has a positive effect.
Including: You can make sure to eat at least one meal a day together, and allocate time for you to sit quietly to keep the communication between you alive. It is also important to make sure that you devote one day a month to go out and spend a special time, and you can also take care of the achievements by preparing surprises and going to new and non-routine places, which increases the feeling of comfort and marital happiness
And finally, make time for yourself!
Always remember that you are the most important person in this budget, so be sure to take into account yourself and your health and constantly charge your energy in order to perform your roles successfully and reach the correct equation.
You can also consult Dr. Mona Ali Reda, who will help you achieve this professionally. Connect with us
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