Golden tips for the most important years of marriage

نصائح ذهبية لأهم سنوات الزواج
Golden tips for the most important years of marriage
The first year of marriage is one of the most important years of marriage, because it is full of feelings of anxiety, tension and many complex feelings, and that is because it is a transitional stage for both spouses, from the life of free celibacy to married life and commitment, in which many changes occur in their lives, the most important of which is that each of them Become a partner of the other party
Therefore, the first year of marriage requires each party to understand their partner and understand the extent of their responsibilities in order to pass it safely, which can be overcome by following the following tips:
delay in childbirth
The first year of marriage is the best for delaying childbearing, to provide a fertile environment for couples to understand each other better, understand each other’s moods, maintain a clear mind, and face challenges.
The importance of delaying childbearing lies in measuring the extent to which the couples can coexist in a real relationship without any prevailing adjustments throughout the courtship period and to ensure that they agree and that each understands the other and that nothing prevents having children and living together in a peaceful and stable marriage.
Therefore, if there is no agreement between the spouses and they are on the path to separation, delaying childbearing in the first year of marriage can protect children from separation and divorce.
be patient:
Patience is one of the important and effective tips to help the couple pass the first year of marriage smoothly, and this does not mean that there are no marital disputes, because disagreements are natural at any time.
Therefore, after understanding their nature and measuring the extent of coexistence with it, they must be patient until their compatibility appears.
Understanding obligations and rights:
The first year of marriage requires the spouses to know the obligations and rights of this relationship, which is important because it determines the characteristics of married life and what the spouses should be in the relationship, especially at its beginning, so each of them must be careful to understand the rights and obligations so that the relationship between them is clear
Waiting before any reaction is one of the most important things that couples must abide by in the first year of their marriage, because the speed of reaction is one of the most serious mistakes that impede the relationship between the two parties, as it can lead to the termination of the relationship due to conflicts.
Protecting the privacy of married life:
The husband and wife must maintain the privacy of their married life. On the one hand, they should not disclose their secrets, and on the other hand, they should not allow others to interfere, because this hinders understanding between the spouses, and leads to an increase in marital disputes after the intervention of others.
As each of them defends his family.
Couples should enhance their understanding of each other during the first year of marriage, overcoming marital disputes as one of their challenges by listening, respecting each other, and respecting their point of view.
Finally, there are some things that can increase disagreements and problems in the first year of marriage so avoid them, namely:
Parental interference in married life.
Each side is trying to control the other.
Listen to the experiences of others.
Refuse to sacrifice and compromise.
Lying and ambiguity.
You can consult Dr. Mona Ali Reda, who will help you achieve this professionally. Connect with us
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