Fasting And Anxiety

Is Ramadan good for your anxiety? Why Fasting Quells Your Anxiety? 


The term “ intermittent fasting” has been around lately, and many people have adopted intermittent fasting less as a diet and more as a lifestyle; for better health both mentally and physically. 


That is why people who tried intermittent fasting have noticed that it affected their mental health more than anything else, as well as helped them losing more weight and eventually affecting both their physical and mental health positively. 


As Ramadan is just around the corner, have you ever thought that fasting may be the reason behind quelling your anxiety, and being calmer than ever? 


Not as many people think that fasting will make you angrier and more anxious due to the absence of caffeine, sugar, and food in general, in this blog we will talk about how Ramadan and fasting are good for your anxiety, and how fasting can actually quell your anxiety. 


In the meantime, remember that it is never too late to a therapist consult, if you need any mental consult please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt


What Exactly Is It About Fasting That Brings About Anxiety Relief?

There are mainly two reasons that fasting brings about anxiety relief. 

Reason #1 


According to the latest researches,  they revel that fasting may protect you from certain gut bacteria that cause anxiety and distress. 


According to A 2019 study, it found that there is a strong connection between certain gut bacteria and those suffering from specific mental disorders. That gut bacteria may cause some mental health issues including anxiety, as this gut bacteria affects the gut-brain axis, which is a term used to describe the symbiotic relationship between the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system.


Since this gut bacteria being heavily influenced by the food that we consume, it is fair to say that it will also be affected by the food that we don’t consume during fasting. It is reasonable to say that a significant reduction in food intake will also have a significant effect on mental health.


Reason #2 


When the body is at a low level of insulin, due to the absence of carbohydrates during fasting, the liver begins to burn a substance called ketones, instead of fats to produce energy in the body. 


Ketosis is something that naturally happens during prolonged fasts, as there is no way to fast without running out of carbohydrates.


According to the latest studies, ketones are effective at managing neurological disorders, as well as symptoms of other disorders such as anxiety. That is why people who adopt ketogenic diets find it helpful for their anxiety. 

In conclusion, Fasting may be explained scientifically in the previous few lines, but on a personal experience level, fasting is great for your body and soul, as it allows your brain t focus on different things other than food or drink. 

Anxiety is designed to help us avoid compromising positions, it is a malfunctioning survival mechanism. So take this Ramadan as a  new opportunity to try something new and different that might help you in the future. 

If you need any mental consult please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

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