Exam anxiety and how to get rid of it
What is exam anxiety, and how to deal with it?
Exam anxiety is a psychological condition that causes intense distress and feelings of anxiety that occur during exam times
Most people suffer from fear before exams, and in fact, anxiety on a general level is
It is a natural and healthy feeling that God created us all to feel. He keeps people psychologically and physiologically alert and helps them to do a better job, but on the other hand, excessive anxiety and the experience of fear negatively affect a person’s daily life, causing a decrease in the level of his performance and deterioration. How can we deal with exam anxiety?
To be able to manage anxiety, each of us needs to find an appropriate motive and it is necessary to direct the current feeling of anxiety in a positive direction without causing fear of the future.
Free time and focus on doing what he loves to gain what helps him face anxiety.
Exam anxiety is a psychological condition that affects individuals during the exam period and is reflected in a severe state of distress
The degree of anxiety varies from one person to another. Each person suffers from a certain degree of anxiety and tension before or during the examination period, and it is necessary to manage this matter because it negatively affects focus, learning and performance in general in situations that need focus to be overcome because excessive anxiety and fear make Concentrating is difficult, and a person makes a lot of effort to remember the topic on which he studied.
In addition, exam anxiety at its various levels causes a range of different physical symptoms such as rapid and painful heartbeat, tremors and excessive sweating.
In terms of behaviour, a person may try to avoid after showing situations that cause anxiety and fear and work to escape from them. These feelings make those who suffer from them continue to criticize themselves, and all positive feelings within them are affected and harm their internal motives towards their goals.
Negative self-criticism also affects mental and physical health and thoughts that control the mind, all of which end with intellectual errors and intense feelings such as I will not be able to answer the exam questions, the tests will be very difficult and I will not be able to pass them, which leads him to feel helpless and affects the motives that he aspires to reach to it and focus.
Also, one of the most important causes of fear and anxiety about these matters is the parents who instill in their children fear of exams and the seriousness of dealing with this matter in wrong ways and means, such as threats and intimidation.
By depriving them of what they love, or any other penalties that they impose on their children as a result of not obtaining the results they want their children to reach, and the same is related to teachers who frighten students from the exam and scold them in front of their other friends
How to get rid of anxiety studying and exams?
The weakness and lack of self-confidence and negative thinking that dominates the student during the examination period
It destabilizes his ability to perform well in exams. Parents’ exaggerated anxiety and underestimation of their children’s abilities play a very big role.
Therefore, there are some steps that can be taken to relieve anxiety and stress concurrent with a period
Exams to help the student do his best and get high grades
Advice comes in a form
Get enough sleep before studying or taking an exam, which gives focus and calm.
Eating healthy meals to provide the body with the energy it needs for proper thinking.
Cut down on caffeinated and caffeinated drinks.
Exercise, as it relieves stress and anxiety.
Encouraging the student to raise self-confidence and confidence in his abilities.
Stay away from everything that may provoke feelings of tension and anxiety, and discussions that may affect
High morale before the exam.
Dear student and guardian, you must deal with the matter slowly and calmly so that health is not affected
The psychological behavior of both of you, dealing calmly is what leads to the right path and the right planning for studying
And managing the period of time leading up to the tests, and if you can’t do that, visit a psychiatrist
It may help the student to pass this stage calmly and easily and help him to reach the highest levels
Success without any fear or anxiety.