Erectile Dysfunction at Age 40

Erectile Dysfunction at Age 40

Sexual health is affected after the age of 40 just as physical health is affected, sex after 40 is more vulnerable and affected by several things, and of course this can affect the marital relationship between the partners in general.

In this article we will learn how sex can be affected after the age of 40?, and how can it be overcome from this?

How can sex be affected after the age of 40?

Sexual relationship is not restricted by a specific age because it has a significant positive effect on the partners, so if problems arise in the sex life after 40 it must be solved and not cease having sex.

One of the sexual problems that partners can face after the age of 40 is:

1.Low fertility

In males, the level of masculinity testosterone begins to gradually decline in small proportions after the age of 40, but in ladies it varies from one woman to another, there are women with high sexual desire even in the 50s.

2.Vaginal Dryness

As a woman reaches the menopause stage after the age of 40, there may be many changes, the most important of which are vaginal dryness, caused by reduced or discontinued estrogen production, and vaginal dryness leads to pain during intimacy resulting in a woman’s abstinence from sex after 40.

3. Changing body shape

After the age of 40 the body shape changes whether women or men and this can affect self-confidence resulting in abstinence.

4.Ejaculation disorders in men

This includes the speed of ejaculation or delayed ejaculation, it is a common problem that is not associated with a certain age stage, but increases with age.

5.Erectile dysfunction

It is the inability to achieve an erection suitable for sexual practice, this problem is not limited to a certain age stage, but it is more common among men after 40 or 50, and erectile dysfunction occurs when blood does not flow well to the penis.

6.Weakness in public health

After the age of 40 changes occur in the body in various ways, the body is no longer in the same strength at the age of 20 and thirty, which of course affects the sexual relationship between the parties.

How to overcome sexual dysfunction after 40?

1.Talk to your partner
With age, body change and feelings it is important to communicate your thoughts and fears to your partner, people sometimes think that their partners know what they are happy or annoying but that is not always true, so you should talk to your partner about everything.

2.Attention to public health
Your interest in your general health by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly automatically helps to achieve stronger sexual health.

3.Improving mental health
Mental health affects everything. Your interest in your mental health, overcoming tension, life stresses and improving sleep quality contributes significantly to overcoming sexual dysfunction after 40.

4.Pharmaceutical or hormonal treatments
This is determined by the doctor based on your sexual condition and health.

5.Consultation with a specialist doctor
One of the most important things that helps you overcome sexual dysfunction after 40 is to consult a specialist doctor whether it’s a psychiatrist or a sex therapist so that it helps you understand the causes and prescribe the right treatment for your condition to achieve marital happiness with your partner.

To ensure a healthy sexual relationship after 40 you can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist and sex therapist to get a medical consultation with a specialized team at the highest level and enjoy a happy married life with your partner.


How can sex be affected after the age of 40?

How to overcome sexual dysfunction after 40?

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