Emotional intelligence… Dr. Mona Reda answers common questions about the importance of emotional awareness
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand the emotions of oneself and the emotions of others and manage them in positive ways to relieve stress and communicate effectively with others, overcome challenges and conflicts, emotional intelligence also helps to build strong social relationships, achieve professional and personal goals, it may also help to communicate with oneself and turn intentions into actions and make the right decisions in life
Dr. Mona Reda answers the most important questions about emotional intelligence, its importance and how it can be acquired?
What is the importance of obtaining emotional awareness by naming feelings?
Sometimes we don’t know exactly what we feel or we don’t have the words to describe it, which makes naming our feelings difficult, sometimes the most difficult thing a person faces is naming the feelings he is going through right now, feelings may mix and stay for a long time with a person, waiting for him to pay attention to them and then deal with it, just naming your current feelings
How to acquire the skill of emotional intelligence?
The skill of emotional intelligence can be acquired by perceiving the feelings of others whether co-workers or wife and children to feel what other feel, and this is the key to communicating effectively with them, and then forming strong relationships with them, and to enjoy the skill of emotional intelligence, a person must have self-awareness of his feelings, strengths and weaknesses, which leads to controlling his actions, person who possesses emotional intelligence has some social skills such as listening, communicating and persuading to make a network of good relationships
How can journaling help to understand emotions?
Writing makes you express yourself in a healthy way and bring up the negative thoughts that you are going through, which help you maintain and rebuild your positive identity, writing during stress helps you determine the cause of your stress at least reveal your negative feelings about something, so it helps you overcome it, writing helps clarify thoughts and feelings; as studies have proven that writing helps reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn causes serious physical diseases, and it also protects you from suppressing your feelings and help you express them healthily
What is emotional blackmail?
Emotional blackmail is that we do something that is not suitable for us to please someone, because we do not want to abuse our relationship with him, because the practitioner of emotional blackmail is often close to the person being blackmailed and knows very well its effect on the other person, so he accurately chooses the means that make weaker person agree to his requests make the weaker person agree to his requests Often the blackmailed person is sure of his influence and does not expect his request to be rejected in any way, one of the models of blackmail is blackmail in exchange for company or play, in the sense that a child or a group of children imposes certain demands on another child, such as controlling his possessions and tools in exchange for their company or playing with them and threatening him with social isolation or staying alone without company if he refuses
How to deal with permanent self-flagellation, especially in light of the rapid development of life?
Self-flagellation is the permanent reproach of oneself, reviewing it in every small and big, accusing oneself of failing, not giving oneself its right and trying to reach an ideal that no one will ever reach, and self-flagellation has a significant negative impact; where a person loses his self-confidence and feels that no matter what he does will be negligent, so he enters into a vicious circle from which he does not get out and from its complications, everyone who suffers from self-flagellation must accept his flaws and his life, because self-acceptance is the first steps to survive drowning in self-flagellation and trying to deal with others in a real and not ideal way, because accepting flaws and allowing others to see the less perfect parts, allows to communicate more deeply with acceptance with the flaws of others and their lives as well, and you have to Surround yourself with positive people and distance yourself from negative people, the most important thing is to visit a psychologist to help you lead a stable life to get rid of self-flagellation
How to cope with the constant fear of feeling like a failure and stay in the comfort zone?
One of the most reasons that prevent us from achieving our goals and getting what we want is that we tend to rest and the usual routine that we live, that called comfort zone, which is a state in which one feels safe or comfortable, and expressing rejection of change, with all the difficulties, fatigue, challenges, and perhaps pain as well, the fact that comfort zone has nothing to do with comfort, but it is a feeling of fear of going through new experiences, the comfort zone must be broken and out of it to learn how to enjoy life, and be in constant evolution in life, this type of change may take time, but you need to take simple steps to recognize your fears, be clear about what you want to overcome, and look at failure As a new opportunity to learn
You can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a mental health consultant to inquire about all psychological matter