Ejaculation problems for males

Ejaculation problems for males

There are many problems related to ejaculation for males, some of them may be congenital or organic, others are due to old age, diseases or psychological condition, and these problems appear in the form of two types, we will present them to you

Ejaculation problems in men

Ejaculation problems differ from one man to another because it is not a single problem, but rather types:

  1. Premature ejaculation
  2. Delayed ejaculation
  3. Reverse ejaculation

Each problem has its own signs, how to treat it, and how to deal with it

  • Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is the ejaculation of semen in a short period in comparison with the period that should be spent

Where ejaculation takes place before or with the beginning of intercourse and without reaching orgasm with the partner.

The usual time is considered as a normal rate for the occurrence of ejaculation between two to ten minutes from the start of intercourse.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems among men

Studies show that 10%-30% of men suffer from this phenomenon at some point in their lives.

Is premature ejaculation has clear symptoms?

The most obvious sign is the occurrence of ejaculation at a time before the desired by the spouses

Even premature ejaculation may occur when masturbating and not at the time of intercourse.

Some signs appear as follows:

➢ Ejaculation occurs almost always or within a minute of penetration.

➢ Inability to delay ejaculation after penetration.

➢ The emergence of psychological impact on the individual, such as: feelings of frustration, distress.

  • Delayed ejaculation

It is the person taking a large amount of time for the ejaculation process to occur or the inability to ejaculate at all, although the man feels he wants to ejaculate and the process erections are normal.

There may be more than one reason for delaying ejaculation, such as:

  1. Infection with some chronic diseases

Such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis

  1. Some types of medicine

It may delay ejaculation, and this is from the side effects of the drug

  1. Drug addiction

The effect of drugs extends to the body, sometimes leading to a delay in ejaculation in men

  • Reverse ejaculation

What we all know is that the semen when ejaculating comes out to the head of the penis and from it to the outside

While this is happening there is a small muscle responsible for closing the bladder opening during ejaculation so not to return to the bladder, but when any malfunction occurs in this muscle, the bladder does not close in the normal picture so portion of the semen is ejaculated into the bladder instead of the penis opening.

This problem may cause an imbalance in the fertility rate of the man and reduce the chances of fertilization

successfully for the egg.

What are the causes of reverse ejaculation?

  • Diabetes: due to unstable sugar levels for prolonged periods with no undergoing treatment, this may cause damage to many organs and nerves in the body which may affect the muscles of the bladder.
  • Nervous system malfunction: Diseases or any malfunction of the nervous system may result such as multiple sclerosis, or spinal injury, to a defect in the nerves and bladder’s muscles


  • Taking certain medications: Some medications may affect the ejaculation process, including treatments enlarge the prostate or some types of antidepressants.
  • Resection of part of the prostate: undergoing this surgery is one of the reasons for ejaculation reverse as a result of damage to some muscles and nerves of the bladder.

The effect of ejaculation problems in men on the psychological side:

Emotional factors and psychological causes that a man suffers greatly affect his suffering from ejaculation problems

Those factors include:

1- Exposure to psychological stress, as many people who are exposed to stress become the percentage of their suffering from the ejaculation problems are bigger, and they can’t manage things well

2- Depression is one of the most common psychological factors that contribute to ejaculation problems, along with other biological factors that can make some men more susceptible to premature ejaculation or prostatitis

3- Suffering may also cause anxiety and preoccupation of the mind with thinking about different things or thinking in having ejaculation problems, marital disputes, and lack of self-confidence in completing sexual relations contribute negatively to building false and unrealistic perceptions and beliefs about intimacy.

Therefore, attention to the treatment of the psychological aspect is very important and will help you get rid of the problem

that cause you inconvenience and a lot of thinking and prevent you from practicing your life normally

The psychiatrist will make you feel that things are better than they are and will make you able to manage the problem and will provide you with the best solutions for how to deal with the problem that is bothering you.

In the meantime, if you are looking for Mental Health Consulting. You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda
please contact us on:
02 24159997

Or visit the clinic at this address:  94 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt.

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