Does Hot Weather Increase Erection?

Does hot weather increase erection


Sexual desire is one of the natural things that a person feels, and it differs from one individual to another based on many factors, including biological, psychological, and social factors, one of the biological factors that can affect sexual desire is body temperature, some studies have shown that High temperature can lead to increased libido for some.

Sunlight and its Effect on Erection

Direct exposure to sunlight while it isn’t extremely bright and doesn’t cause burns or sunstrokes contributes to increased libido, especially in women.
Exposure to sunlight increases the production of vitamin D, which increases testosterone, that increases male libido.
High temperature is a natural stimulus that affects and stimulates the body, When the temperature increases, the body becomes more prepared for sexual interaction and increases its activity, due to increased circulation activity and the release of sex hormones into the body.

Symptoms of increased erection in the summer

The climate affects the body in general when the atmosphere warms, blood flow increases to the body, some changes occur in the body’s hormones, and in winter individuals prefer to sit or sleep instead of having sex.
The atmosphere also affects fertility, as there is a correlation between weather, sperm production rates and ovulation where androgen and oestrogen hormones are excreted, which play an essential role in stimulating the body and increasing blood circulation activity, resulting in an increase in body temperature.

Weather effect on Erection

Some studies suggest that libido generally increases at high temperatures, as the body becomes more willing to interact sexually and responsive to sexual stimuli.

Causes of increased erection in the summer:

There are several reasons for increasing women’s and men’s erection in the summer, including:

  1. Warm atmosphere and bright sun contribute to increase erection in some, as the body reacts positively to this atmosphere and increases the production of masculinity hormone, feminine hormone which contributes to increased libido
  2. Summer holidays: Summer holidays and travel can increase some’s libido as individuals can feel excited and euphoria
  3. As a result of relaxation and change in daily routine.
  4. Summer clothing: Light and sexy summer clothing can increase libido, excitement, making individuals feel attractive and self-confident.
  5. Outdoor activities in summer: such as swimming, hiking, water and group sports can lead to increase erection in some, as the body reacts positively to these activities and increases excitement and ecstasy.
  6. Balanced nutrition: In summer, there is availability of fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood, which contain antioxidants and nutrients that promote sexual health and raise energy levels.

Winter impact on libido

Sexual desire decreases in winter, due to low sunlight, so levels of serotonin in the body be low.
with lower serotonin in winter, the body sees a marked rise in melatonin, which hampers sexual motivation in men and women, as a result of the lethargy caused to both parties, as well as being the main cause of seasonal depression.

in the end, weather can directly or indirectly affect sex so generalizations cannot be made on this subject, as the body is influenced by several factors, including psychological, environmental and physical factors, and their impact varies from person to another, to ensure a safe and healthy sexual relationship, you can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist and sex therapist to book your consultation..[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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