Do you have Anxiety Disorder?

anxiety disorder

Recently, many people suffer from symptoms of anxiety disorders such as social anxiety symptoms, generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and others.

The fact is that Anxiety about certain things and events is normal in life, but when it reaches repeated panic attacks and takes over an individual’s life, resulting in inability to perform daily tasks, here anxiety is abnormal and requires the consultation of a specialist psychiatrist because in a large proportion this individual will have an anxiety disorder.

In this article we will address what is anxiety disorder?, what are the reasons for it? And  Does anxiety in men affect erection?

What is anxiety disorder?

A mental illness in which an infected person feels an exaggerated fear and panic about certain matters such as preparation of an exam or job interview, which affects his or her behavior and life, it can interfere with a person’s normal life and decision-making ability, and may even become a restriction or imprisonment that prevents him or her from proceeding with his or her life.

Symptoms of anxiety disorder

Symptoms of anxiety vary from person to another depending on their severity, including:

  1. Feeling stressed or overly anxious.
  2. Feeling imminent danger or panic.
  3. Increased heart rate.
  4. Breathing too fast.
  5. Sweating and shivering.
  6. Feeling weak or tired.
  7. Trouble concentrating or thinking about anything other than current anxiety.
  8. Difficulty sleeping.
  9. Suffering from digestive problems.
  10. Extreme fear of dealing with strangers or talking with them.

Does Anxiety in men lead to sexual dysfunction?

One of the most important anxiety symptoms in men is the occurrence of impaired sexuality, lack of desire for intimacy with the partner, as well as general sexual impairment of erectile dysfunction.

Causes of anxiety disorder:

  1. A family’s health history can be a factor of anxiety disorder, such as a family having a history of obsessive-compulsive disorder or general personality disorders.
  2. There can be a lot of stressful events around him that make him feel nervous and constantly afraid, such as stress in the workplace, loss of a loved one or turbulent relationships with those around him.
  3. Suffering from other health problems promotes his anxiety disorder such as thyroid problems, diabetes or heart disease, and people suffering from depression can also develop symptoms of anxiety disorders.
  4. People who use drugs and alcohol frequently develop anxiety problems when the effects of the substance begin to fade.
  5. Sometimes people with certain personality traits such as perfectionism or people who like to be in control develop anxiety-related issues.

Treatment of Anxiety Disorder:

Anxiety disorder can be treated by mixing these two methods of medication and psychotherapy, but the common thing is to go to the psychiatrist in case of excessive anxiety affecting physical health and social relations in an uncontrollable way.

The psychiatrist’s role is to reduce your anxiety symptoms in the most appropriate way, whether by psychotherapy through cognitive behavioral therapy, talking with you about the causes of this disorder and teaching you some skills that help you overcome this psychiatric problem, or through psychiatric medications.

If you experience excessive anxiety affecting the performance of your day-to-day tasks and social relations with those around you, you can now contact Dr. Mona Reda, a consultant in mental health and marital relations to ensure good mental health.

Resources: causes of anxiety disorder
                    treatment of anxiety

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