Do class differences affect emotional relationships?

Couple & Sex Therapy
Do class differences affect emotional relationships?
Marriage is a social institution that may be subject to success or failure, like other life projects. Of course, the continuation of the marital relationship requires some factors for success, such as any intertwined human relationship in any society.
There are some measures that infer a successful marriage, and among those measures is the effect of the difference in social class on the marital relationship
In many cases, the difference in social class between spouses may lead to a state of lack of understanding, and compatibility between them in general in terms of the way of thinking, living and understanding. The difference in social class has a significant impact on each other’s vision of the other and their lifestyle, their thinking, as well as their reactions.
Before going into many details, we must first ask a question:
Is love able to transcend the differences between the two parties?
The issue of disparity in the social or educational level between spouses is an important issue that appears frequently from time to time on the scene, and there are other types of inequality that threaten family stability between the two parties to the marital relationship, such as social inequality, age inequality and material inequality, and there are some people who believe that true love and feelings They are able to overcome any obstacles, fill in any gaps, eliminate any differences and eliminate any gaps in levels, believing that people who love each other want nothing but to live together no matter the differences.
And here remains the question: Do class differences affect emotional relationships?
And let’s talk seriously, the cultural differences are difficult to overcome and it is difficult to start a love between two people with a difference in cultures. If a marriage takes place in such a case, the chance of its failure is high and this appears more while there is a large difference in social identity, meaning that the two people are of two social levels Different and this is what is known as class difference, for each class has its own culture, and every person unites with his social class, and this is the normal person. As for the person who tries to strip himself of his social class, he suffers in his life that he wants to convert to another path, and the matter may come with him due to lack of self-confidence.
So, most cases of marital incompatibility and the subsequent unhappiness and problems are due to the existence of cultural differences and differences that have an extraordinary ability to destroy marital life in the shortest possible time. They only care about appearances.
What supports the continuation of marital relations?
In order for married life to continue and succeed, there must be parity, as the effects of the absence of parity have shown an increase in divorce rates in recent times.
This kind of equivalence must include the cultural, educational and social level, and sometimes it is necessary that there be consensus on the economic side.
What are the consequences of the difference in the financial level between the spouses?
One spouse may be more or less wealthy than the other, and this is not a problem in itself, but the real problem is that each spouse belongs to a material class that is completely different from the other, which shows the differences between them.
The most difficult thing is that it is accompanied by a difference in the social and cultural level, in which case the percentage of compatibility and success in that relationship is very difficult and a great challenge.
Consequences of differences in customs and traditions between spouses
The difference in customs and traditions between spouses, is a matter due to the different social classes between the spouses, or the religious difference or the sexual difference. Customs and traditions are part of the culture of society, that is, what the individual grows up on with his lifestyle and social level.
Customs and traditions may differ between two social classes in one environment, society and country due to the different social level
These matters are measured by many customs and traditions that may differ between men and women for the aforementioned reasons, which may have a significant impact on the relationship that may reach the point of divorce and separation.
Consultation request
If you are on the edge of a romantic relationship and you notice that there is a difference in the social level of both of you or that it will be a cause for problems in the future of your relationship, you can consult a relationship specialist to give you advice that will help in the continuation of that relationship, and how to deal with problems if any later and the best ways to avoid it
Do class differences affect emotional relationships?
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