Causes of Psychological Erectile Dysfunction

Causes of psychological erectile dysfunction

Problems and mental disorders such as anxiety and stress affect all aspects of life and among those aspects is sexual aspect, where anxiety and stress affect the quality of sexual performance and leads to erectile dysfunction, most cases with erectile dysfunction have been found to have psychiatric disorders and problems such as anxiety and depression which disrupts the access of brain signals to the penis, and increases the release of cortisol hormone that prevents blood flow in blood vessels to the penis, making it difficult to achieve an erection.
Unlike doing healthy activities such as exercise, they stimulate the release of testosterone that stimulates libido and contributes to muscle relaxation, blood flow of blood vessels and achievement of erection.

What is psychological erection dysfunction?

Psychological erection is a type of erectile dysfunction that isn’t able to reach or maintain an erection sufficiently for sex, and occurs as a result of psychological factors such as anxiety, stress, and psychological stress, and it isn’t related to any organic problem in the reproductive system, many men suffer from it, and can occur at any age.
Having an erection problem from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. However, if erectile dysfunction is a persistent problem, it may cause psychological stress, affect your confidence and contribute to problems in

What are the causes of psychological erectile dysfunction?

Psychological causes of erectile dysfunction are numerous, including:
– Problems of marital relations between partners or poor communication between them.
– Feeling stress, anxiety or nervous pressure.
– The existence of health problems.
– Work pressure and financial problems.
– Watching pornographic videos that increase sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of psychological erectile dysfunction

The symptoms observed by a person suffering from psychological stress are numerous, but the main ones are:

  1. Problem in achieving an erection.
  2. Loss of erection before sex ends.
  3. Early or late ejaculation.
  4. Attention to sex, but difficulty performing.
  5. Lack of self-confidence.

These symptoms may vary from person to another, but awareness of symptoms and how erectile dysfunction affects sexual performance can help facilitate conversations with the psychiatrist to give you appropriate treatment according to your state of health.
If you have these symptoms, you should visit your psychiatrist or sex therapist to enjoy better sexual health.

Treatment of psychological erectile dysfunction

Psychiatric erectile dysfunction is a common problem faced by men, and can have causes including depression, and psychological stress
This can be remedied through:

  1. Speaking with a partner: Talking with a partner may help relieve anxiety and stress, increase comfort and self-confidence.
  2. Exercise: Regular exercise helps improve physical fitness and general health, relieve psychological stress.
  3. Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy and sexual therapy can be used to help improve mental health, social and sexual relations.
  4. Medications: Medications that help increase blood flow to genitals and improve erection can be used after consulting a doctor.
  5. Relaxation: Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and yoga can be used to improve mental health and relieve stress and anxiety.

The best way to prevent erectile dysfunction is to take a healthy lifestyle, and manage any external conditions that may affect the sexual relationship
To ensure a healthy sexual relationship with your partner, you can contact Dr. Mona Reda, a psychiatrist and sex therapist to get your consultation with a team of specialist psychiatrists.

Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction

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