3 Challenges of Mental Health Care Today

3 Challenges of Mental Health Care Today

According to the latest reports, 1 in 5 people ages 18 or older lives with a mental illness.

Every person at any age is subjected to some mental health issues. Challenges, facing mental health care delivery are only triggering the problem. Changing treatment and successful treatment can be done only with regular access to mental health care professionals and various support services, however, most people, especially in the middle east, don’t have the privilege of having quick and trusted access to mental health care centers. In this blog, we explore and explain the 3 biggest challenges that face most people when it comes to accessing mental health. 

But, we will first explain why overcoming those challenges is so important and can do good for the community. In the meantime, if you are looking for Mental Health Consulting. You can always contact Dr.Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556 Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

Importance of Overcoming Challenges to Mental Health Treatment 

As we mentioned above, removing the barriers and facing the challenges that face most people during their mental health care journey, is essential for improving lives and communities.According to the latest Mental Health researches and reports, 1 person in every 40 seconds takes their own life, and that means that nearly 800,000 people commit suicide every year. With the right treatment to address mental health conditions, we can reduce a lot of problems including:

  • Suicide rates
  • Legal issues
  • Family conflict
  • Employment issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Physical health problems

But, to improve the mental health care framework properly, we’ll first have to understand those barriers to mental health services that stop people from getting the care they need.

What are the Challenges that Face People During Their Mental Health Care Journey Today? 

Financial Barriers 

Let’s say it once and clearly, mental health care can be a little overpriced, which is why most people who are suffering from anxiety or mood swings or even substance abuse, think twice before going to a therapist as it can be a little overpriced for them. Even though Virtual Mental Health Care can help a little it is still not that effective. 

Waiting Time 

One of the biggest challenges that most people face during their mental health care journey is long wait times. The longer the wait time, the poorer the patient’s mental and physical health, and the less interested they are in seeking treatment. Although virtual mental health care can be a little help in this case, Virtual care can provide direct interventions and real-time interaction between therapist and patient. 


The last and the most important challenge that faces mental health seekers these days is Accessibility to mental health care centers. Lack of access to mental health care meaning can mean different things to different people. Virtual mental health care can successfully address some of the biggest problems with the mental health system and reduce the burden of providing treatment. 

Read More About Mental Health Care Challenges: The Top Issues Facing Mental Health Care

Challenges and barriers in mental healthcare systems and their impact on the family: A systematic integrative review

Challenges and Opportunities in Global Mental Health: a Research-to-Practice Perspective

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