
Mohamad Elwishy

Psychotherapy Specialist

• He holds a Clinical diploma in psychology as well as a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Ain Shams University.
• He holds a Master in dynamic psychotherapy.
• Mohamad worked as a consultant Psychotherapist at the United Nations, and a clinical psychologist in several psychiatric universities hospitals and non-profit institutions to serve refugees.
• He began working as a psychologist since 2012 in psychotherapy trained and obtained many specialization certificates as a dynamic psychotherapist, cognitive behavioral therapist, dialectical behavioral therapist from the USA, as well, a trauma therapist in UK, and as a Schema therapist from the Institute of schema therapy in Switzerland.
• Mohammed translated the book “I Hate You – Don’t Leave Me: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder” by J. Chrisman and Hal Strauss, To Arabic, Al Riwaq Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2024.

Professional participations:
• With more than 13 years of active participation in the field, Mohammed had published many research papers at the regional and international levels, and had also worked as a university lecturer of psychology and supervised mental health programs in many universities.
• Mohammed integrates psychotherapy schools, he had received extensive supervision over the years of work and until now at the hands of many professors and pioneers of psychiatry and psychology.
• Mohamed is a member of several Egyptian and international associations for psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

احجز موعدك الآن

نرجو منكم قراءة إرشادات الحجز بعناية والنظر فيها قبل الحجز.
إرشادات هامة للحجز:

1. وقت الجلسة: عند إجراء حجز عبر الإنترنت مع دكتور منى رضا أو الطاقم الطبي، يرجى الانتباه إلى وقت الجلسة. إذا كنت موجودًا خارج مصر، فانتبه إلى الفرق الزمني وتأكد من أن المنطقة الزمنية على جهازك تتطابق مع موقعك الحالي.

2. حضور الجلسة عبر Zoom: لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من جلستك، من المهم الانضمام إلى Zoom قبل الموعد المحدد للجلسة وانتظر وصول الطبيب.

3. التأجيلات: إذا كنت تريد تأجيل موعدك، فيرجى إبلاغنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني على Booking@withmonareda.com قبل 48 ساعة على الأقل من الموعد المحدد.

4. الموعد الثاني: يرجى ملاحظة أن الموعد الثاني سيتقرر بعد أسبوع من الجلسة الأولى.

5. عدم حضور الجلسة: إذا تم حجز الجلسة ولم يحضر المريض دون تقديم عذر مسبق عبر البريد الإلكتروني في غضون 48 ساعة قبل الجلسة، فلن يتم استرداد رسوم الجلسة.
من المهم ملاحظة أن الطبيب سينتظر دخول المريض الجلسة لمدة 10 دقائق كحد أقصى.

حجز جلسة 60 دقيقة
حجز جلسة 30 دقيقة

Mohamad Elwishy

Psychotherapy Specialist

• He holds a Clinical diploma in psychology as well as a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Ain Shams University.
• He holds a Master in dynamic psychotherapy.
• Mohamad worked as a consultant Psychotherapist at the United Nations, and a clinical psychologist in several psychiatric universities hospitals and non-profit institutions to serve refugees.
• He began working as a psychologist since 2012 in psychotherapy trained and obtained many specialization certificates as a dynamic psychotherapist, cognitive behavioral therapist, dialectical behavioral therapist from the USA, as well, a trauma therapist in UK, and as a Schema therapist from the Institute of schema therapy in Switzerland.
• Mohammed translated the book “I Hate You – Don’t Leave Me: Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder” by J. Chrisman and Hal Strauss, To Arabic, Al Riwaq Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2024.

Professional participations:
• With more than 13 years of active participation in the field, Mohammed had published many research papers at the regional and international levels, and had also worked as a university lecturer of psychology and supervised mental health programs in many universities.
• Mohammed integrates psychotherapy schools, he had received extensive supervision over the years of work and until now at the hands of many professors and pioneers of psychiatry and psychology.
• Mohamed is a member of several Egyptian and international associations for psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

Book appointment

We kindly ask you to carefully read and consider the reservation guidelines before making a reservation.
Reservation Guidelines:

1. Session time: When making a reservation online with Dr. Mona Reda or the medical staff, please consider the session time. If you are located outside Egypt, consider the time difference and make sure that the time zone on your device matches your current location.
2. Attending the session via Zoom: To make the most of your session, it is important to join the Zoom meeting before the scheduled session time and wait for the doctor to arrive.
3. Postponements: If you need to postpone your appointment, kindly notify us via email at Booking@withmonareda.com at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment.
4. Second appointment: Please note that the second appointment will be scheduled for one week after the initial session.
5. Failure to attend the session: If a session is booked and the patient fails to attend without providing prior notice via email within 48 hours before the session, the session fee will not be refunded.
It is important to note that the doctor will wait for the patient to enter the session for a maximum of 10 minutes.

Book a 60-minutes session
Book a 30-minutes session