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Are you suffering from hoarding, or you are just a collector? 

What is hoarding?  

If you experience strong positive feelings, whenever you get more items, you might suffer from hoarding.

If you feel upset or anxious just at the thought of throwing or giving things away, you might suffer from hoarding.And, if you find it very hard to decide what to keep or get rid of, you might as well suffer from hoarding. 

What is hoarding, and why it might be a very serious mental health issue, this is what we are going to discuss in this blog article. 

In the meantime, if you are looking for any mental consult please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

What is hoarding?  

According to the definition of hoarding as a mental health disorder, Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them.

People with hoarding disorder experience distress just from the thought of getting rid of the items, they suffer from excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value.

Symptoms of hoarding

Saving an excessive number of items for no rational reason is one of the most apparent symptoms of hoarding. 

Several other symptoms are accompanied by hoarding. These symptoms usually appear in teenagers and early adults, By middle age, symptoms are often severe and may be harder to treat.

Signs and symptoms may include:

  • Excessively acquiring items that are not needed is either valuable. 
  • Facing difficulty throwing out or getting rid of items. 
  • Urging feeling of needing to save items and buy stuff. 
  • Tending indecisiveness, perfectionism, avoidance, procrastination, and problems with planning and organizing

Why Do People Hoard? 

People with hoarding disorder typically save items because of several reasons, they believe that they are rational, some of these reasons are:

  • Believing that these items are unique.
  • Believing that these items will be needed at some point in the future.
  •  Linking these items emotionally, might be a reminder of happier times or representing loved ones. 

Types Of Hoarding 

There are several types of hoarding from collecting newspapers, clothes, paperwork, books, notebooks, makeup, pens and it also may include hoarding animals!  

People who hoard animals may collect dozens or even hundreds of pets. Animals may be confined inside or outside. Because of the large numbers, these animals often aren’t cared for properly. The health and safety of the person and the animals are at risk because of unsanitary conditions.

Hoarding or “just” Collecting? 

People may confuse between hoarding and collecting when they are two different terms. 

Hoarding disorder is different from collecting, people who have collections: like collecting stamps or model cars, are looking for specif kind of items, and they usually don’t clutter, as well as not being distress when they let go of these things, unlike people who suffer from Hoarding disorder. 

Treatment of Hoarding 

Problems with hoarding gradually develop over time and tend to be a private behavior. Often, significant clutter has developed by the time it reaches the attention of others.

Since it is difficult to determine the real reason behind hoarding disorder, it is still a necessity to consult a therapist. If you are looking for any mental consult please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Mona Reda on 02 24159997- 01112169556 – 01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address:  93 El Merghany Street Cairo, Egypt

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