HI.. I’m Mona Reda
Holder of neuroscience master degree and PhD in psychiatry, spent 20 years in the field of mental health service. Supervised, conducted and published several scientific papers, Mona Reda is a member of the ISSM, MESSM, ESSMS. Her interest with human sexuality started over 15 years ago when she realized that most marital relations problems originate from sexual health problems. Trained as a sex therapist in the European Society for Sexual Medicine and received more than 120 hours of training on how to interview, investigate and manage variable presentations of sexual dysfunction.
In addition to maintaining local private practices in Cairo, she has been active in the academic field as university professor in research and clinical supervision, as well as media commentator and public speaker. As a psychiatrist, she has extensive experience in assessing and managing marital relations and communication problems.
Dr. Mona Reda worked in an international pharmaceutical company 1997-2008 where she obtained experience in organizational structure and environment then she developed the connect program for organizational efficient communication and productivity.
Dr. Mona Reda has worked with the press and media to educate the public on most sensitive topics such as sexual health. She created, produced and hosted a private Online program named el sara7a ra7a that was aired on YouTube channel on sexual health and relationship issues reaching over a million viewers across the region.
Dr. Mona Reda authored “ 7ekaia wera kol bab” a book in story telling way demonstrating different sexual issues that may erupt in families and marital relations with scientifically adapted tips on how to manage.
Member of
The International Society for Sexual Medicine.
Elected board member
Middle East Society for Sexual Medicine.
Founder and Board member
Egyptian Society for Sexual Medicine and Surgeries.
Book a session with Dr. Mona Reda
Our Value
With expert psychologists, get treatment for all your mental health needs now.
Our supportive, educational and management programs and services focus on increasing awareness of mental capabilities emphasizing the value of properly stretching one’s abilities to gain success in life, high lightening on early detection of psychological problems and providing effective techniques to manage them, support clients with psychological issues that block them from reaching their utmost potential, finally treat mental health disorders using latest Psychotherapy guidelines.
We believe that most people conflicts stem from their thoughts, feelings, and behavior which are the three-main component of mental health and that people living with mental health issues have the right to receive psychological and medical care and support as people with other health issues, mental health issues are “no-shame” – not managed by simply saying “try harder”.
Mental health issues and disorders are neurological disorders, which need to be properly assessed, investigated, and treated. Better Mind believes that recovery is possible for affected individuals and their families. That doesn’t usually mean “cure” but rather the ability to regain a life that is worth living including pursuit of social relationships, vocational/educational pursuits, and self-determination. Individuals and their families have the right to understand and learn how to deal with life stress and unmet needs.
So Remember that seeking help from a specialist psychiatrist is the first step to healing and changing your life for the better, contact us and feel free to take this step that can greatly improve your life.