
Causes Of Marital Silence And The Most Important Ways To Treat It Through Marital Counseling

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Causes Of Marital Silence And The Most Important Ways To Treat It Through Marital Counseling


One of the most dangerous things that could happen to the marriage is marriage silence.The lack of a dialogue language between the spouses is only an indication of the presence of signs and indicators of the end of this marriage. Marital silence has become one of the modern diseases that affect marriage, especially with the spread of technology and the presence of phones available all the time with each one, which increases the distance between spouses, and reduces the conversation between them. 



But before getting to know the causes and forms of marital muteness, let us first know what is marriage silence.? Why do spouses fall victim to this? Is it due to the husband or the wife? Are there ways to treat this dangerous phenomenon?


But in the meantime, if you are looking for mental health counseling or some marital counseling. You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda at 02 24159997-01112169556-01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address: 93 El Merghany Street, Cairo, Egypt.


What Is Marriage Silence?


Marriage is based on the language and the conversion between two people, and this conversation is supposed to be easy and simple, but with the phenomenon of marital silence it is an extinction of this language. Marital silence is defined as the passive silence between the two parties and the lack of language between them.


One party resorts to remaining silent or even responding briefly to the other party, no matter how the latter tries to open topics or engage in conversation with them.


Marital silence is one of the marital problems in which both parties must resort to private marital counseling to treat it, as proper communication between spouses is one of the most important things that affect and contribute to the continuation and cohesion of the marital relationship, and reach a state of strong marital compatibility.


The arrival of the spouses to this stage, that is, the stage of marital silence, means that there are reasons that have led to the deterioration of the marital relationship between them, so in the next we will learn about the causes of marital silence.

What Are The Causes Of Marriage Silence?


There are several reasons for marital silence, and the treatment of these causes in a timely manner by a psychologist specializing in marital relations helps both parties to avoid marital silence, and its causes are as follows:


1- There Is No Language Between Husband And Wife 


The existence of permanent marital problems and disagreements between spouses may lead to a lack of dialogue between them to avoid those quarrels, and that leads eventually to marriage silence.


2- Economic Reasons

One of the most important causes of marital silence is the financial burdens on one of the parties.

The constant quest for money causes many financial and psychological pressures, which leads to the lack of a language of dialogue between the spouses. According to a study in 2010, one of the most important reasons for divorce is the economic situation.


3- There Are No Common Interests Between The Spouses


One of the most common reasons for marital silence is the lack of any commonalities or interests between the spouses. Where the husband is busy at work, and the wife is busy with household matters and raising children. This leads to nothing in common between the spouses.


Marital Silence Treatment


1- Try to avoid problems and disagreements while having conversation


There are some things that spouses should adhere to to avoid and treat marital muteness:


1- There is no sign of trivial matters.

2- Think rationally before making any decision

3- Searching for appropriate solutions instead of exchanging accusations


2- Find the causes of the problem


Talking about the causes of problems and looking for solutions to these problems can help the couple to avoid and treat marital silence, in addition to searching for specialized help through marital counseling from specialists.


If you are looking for mental health counseling or some marital counseling. You can always contact Dr. Mona Reda at 02 24159997-01112169556-01002169556

Or visit the clinic at this address: 93 El Merghany Street, Cairo, Egypt.


Read More About Causes Of Martial Silence: What Couples Should Know About the Silent Treatment

The Silent Treatment: How to Respond When Your Spouse Ices You Out


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